Page 65 of Cocky Counsel

“I took care of the problem, okay?”

“No. Not okay,” I blew out a heavy breath and gently let go of Lucy’s hand. “We need to talk. Now.” I stood up and walked over to the corner of the room, far away enough from Lucy’s bed that we wouldn’t disturb her but close enough that I could still see her.

I waited impatiently as Ethan stood up and followed me over. He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the counter behind him.

“What did you do?” I asked again, my arms folded over my chest.

“I went to pay Lance a visit,” he smirked. “Just took a little longer to find him than I’d thought.”

“How did you even know where to find him. All you had was his name.”

“I had a friend who owed me a favor,” he said and looked away. It was so nonchalant like he had all of these friends who just happened to owe him favors.

“What kind of favor?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

“Does it matter?” he responded, raising his eyebrow in return.

“You bet your ass it does,” I said with exasperation. “I need to know what happened so I can protect my sister!”

“Trust me—Lance won’t put a hand on your sister ever again. I can promise you that.”

“Would you please just stop being difficult and tell me what happened?” I was starting to lose my patience and sanity, all at the same time.

“Eva, you don’t need to know the details. Okay? The less I say, the better.”

“You’re really starting to worry me. Is Lance dead?”


“And how do I know that he won’t come after her again?” I asked.

“Because I promised him that if he ever laid a hand on her again, I would be the one to dig the hole that his body would be thrown in.”

“You threatened him?” My eyes were wide with shock.

“No. A threat is something you say but don’t mean it. I meant every word of what I said.” He pushed off from the counter and went to sit down. I wasn’t done with the conversation and had a thousand questions for him. As I marched back over to where he was, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Lucy’s eyes flicker open.