His brain stopped working. Mainly because every ounce of blood had drained down to his shaft, but now she wanted him to talk about fantasies. His first instinct was to grab her and run to the nearest dark corner and fuck her. But he fought it because he knew this was significant. “I’d like to share you.”
She cocked her head to one side and studied him again. “Share me? I don’t understand.”
At first, he was convinced she was screwing with him again. But he looked beyond his own out-of-control lust and saw the confusion. At least it hadn’t been fear. “I would like to share you with another man.”
She took a sip of her wine and said nothing. At least she hadn’t run screaming from the restaurant. After she swallowed her wine, she said, “I’ve never even thought about something like that.” She smiled. “Are you ready to go?”
He nodded, and she motioned to Michelle, handing over her credit card. As they waited for Michelle to return, she teased him with details of their night, leaving out enough information to keep him wondering.
“I think tonight we should go to my place.” She smiled after that statement. It was only twenty minutes to his house, a possible forty to hers. “I’ve been…shopping. I think you’ll like what I bought you.”
Intrigued, he wanted to ask what it was, but he refrained. Delight sparkled in her eyes that he’d behaved.
After she signed the receipt, she rose slowly. He waited, not rising until she indicated he had permission.
“Come, Chris.”
He followed her out, walking several paces behind her, trying to keep his gaze everywhere but her swaying ass. It was just not possible. Before she’d started learning about roles in the D/s world, she’d reduced him to a puddle of lust. But now, he was a slavering he-man, ready to do her bidding. Within minutes they were speeding along H-1 in her car, Chris driving.
She kept the conversation light but continually touched him. A stroke on his thigh, her fingers sliding down his bare arm. By the time they reached her house, he didn’t think he’d be able to walk, he was in so much pain. After he parked the car, she waited for him to open her door.
Cynthia ascended the steps with Chris trailing after her. With the distance between them, and the difference in their heights, he was eye level with her rear end. The sun had set, and the only light came from her porch light and the streetlights. Even with that little bit of illumination, he could tell she wasn’t wearing any panties. Lord, have mercy.
Unlocking the door, she led him into her living area. As usual, he removed his shoes and left them by the door, but he noticed she didn’t remove her boots. Anticipation crawled through him. He’d hoped she’d leave them on.
She dropped her purse onto the coffee table, then grabbed his hand, slowly leading him back to her bedroom. Once there, she sat on her bed and smiled. Again, his heart did that strange little flip when he saw the self-assured light in her eyes. This was a true Domme in her element.
She leaned back on her elbows, crossed her legs, and said, “Come here.”
Cynthia licked her lips as Chris approached. Her palms itched to touch the ripple of muscle beneath his shirt. Excitement and nerves threatened her ability to think straight. She was so sure it would come out as a request and not a demand when she’d said it. Instead, her voice rang with authority. She’d taken control before, but this was a different aspect. He’d wear the bindings she’d bought for him. She wanted him to understand that tonight was significant.
He walked with slow, steady steps. She smiled to herself. He was testing her, seeing how far she would go. He just didn’t know how far she wanted to go.
When he finally stood in front of her, she waited a moment before moving. Her body hummed, needing a release. But she denied herself that. He’d take her orders happily, but the significance of the evening was too great to rush it. She wanted to stretch out the anticipation for both of them.
Her body rubbed against his as she stood. He didn’t say a word, but his breathing hitched as she allowed her hand to move over his hardened cock. Even through the thick jean material, he was impressive.
Stepping to his side, she said, “Lose your shirt.”
He paused, grabbed hold of the shirt, and tugged it off. She sighed over the beauty of his body. She shouldn’t be so shallow, but she couldn’t stop the thrill she felt in looking him over. Muscles flexed as he lowered his arms, then tossed the shirt behind him.Ahh, he’s definitely making this fun. Chris so loved testing her resolve. Before tonight, he usually won. This evening was different, would change everything in her mind. A surge of heat coiled in her stomach.
“Please pick that up and fold it.”
He obeyed immediately.
“And remember to do that from now on. You know better. Now, the pants.”
Unhurriedly, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He pulled them down and folded them, placing them on the dresser on top of his shirt. His erection pressed against his knit boxer shorts, a telltale circle of wetness near the head of his penis.
“You’ve been very good.” She smiled at him. “You may remove my boots.”
She motioned for him to sit on the bed. When he complied, she lifted her foot, placing it on the mattress between his legs. He tugged on the zipper. As he slid it down, he slipped his fingers between the leather and her skin. A rush of tingles followed the motion, her head spinning with a heady mix of arousal and adrenaline. She didn’t call him out on the extra touching, just looked down at him and frowned. Stepping back, she put the other foot up. He did the exact same thing. If it hadn’t felt so good, she would have punished him, but he had been so sneaky in the way that he’d done it, she decided to let it slip by this time.
“Stand up.”
He obeyed but didn’t jump to his feet. Bit by bit, he unfolded his length. As he rose, their bodies brushed, just as she had done to him earlier. She could’ve stepped back, but it would have been a sign of weakness. The fabric of her dress moved over her breasts. Her hardened nipples drew tighter. By the time he was standing upright, his erection pressed against her stomach, and both of them were breathing deeper.
He was pushing her, testing her, and dammit, she was creaming. Her pussy lips dripped with her juices. Part of this was their game. She’d learned over the last few weeks that Chris might like to submit, but he didn’t go quietly.