“You know, I didn’t think you would take this so badly, Chris.”

He swallowed his fish before answering. “Take what so badly? Being teased?”

She pushed her lower lip out in a perfect pout. “I’m not teasing you.”

“What do you call it?”

She blinked, apparently taken aback by his irritated tone. “Foreplay.”

He would give her that. But if she kept pushing him, he wouldn’t make it through dinner. He was amazed the table wasn’t rising from the erection she’d inspired. They ate in silence for a few minutes, then she sat back in her chair and studied him.

“I’m confused. You said you wanted this, that this would be good for me.”

He had. He just hadn’t known she would take to the role so well. It was a dream come true, but as his mamma said, he should be careful what he wished for.

“I’m frustrated.” He could barely bite out the words.

She smiled, and just like the first time he’d seen her smile all those months ago in Georgia, he was mesmerized. When she truly smiled, her dimples came out in full force, and it never failed to make his heart flip over. As sappy as it sounded, it made him feel like he owned the world.

“You’ve been a bit of a baby about it, but then I have to say, you did have a few good moments. I think that deserves some kind of reward.” She sipped her wine. “Why don’t you tell me what you’d like to do tonight?”

“I told you.”

She sighed, pulling on the bottom of her sweater. Her hardened nipples pressed against the knit fabric.

“I’d like to find out if you’re wearing anything beneath that outfit.”

“What do you think?”

He studied her intently, looking for any hint of a bra. “I don’t think you’re wearing anything.”

She smiled, coyly this time. “Why, Mr. Dupree, are you saying I would run around without any panties on beneath my clothes?”

Another wave of lust spiraled through his blood as it rushed to his groin. Her voice had deepened into that upper-crust Georgia accent he loved so much. She used it to tease him. And while he wanted to growl again, he felt a spurt of pride. The woman he’d met all those months ago was a distant memory.

“Ms. Myers, I do believe you would.”

Her smile widened, her eyes sparkling. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“I doubt anyone I know would think that I’d run around braless.”

“They don’t know you as well as I do.”

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and leaned forward. Her gaze never wavered as she said, “Why don’t you give that pretty, fat cock a stroke for me?”

He dropped his fork on his plate, his body going rigid. She’d been gaining her ground in domination, but this was public. Chris hadn’t anticipated her taking this step—definitely not so soon.

She sat back, a frown puckering the skin between her sculpted eyebrows. “Are you not going to do what I say?”

Immediately, he slipped his hand beneath the table, thankful they had tablecloths atDupree’s, and gave his shaft a long, leisurely stroke. As his fingers moved over the fabric of his jeans, he closed his eyes, enjoying the sweet torture. It didn’t even get close to helping, as the stiff fabric made it difficult to apply the right pressure. Still, it was better than nothing.

“That’s enough.”

It wasn’t, but he obeyed and put his hands back on the table.

“Very good. You know, we talk about all my fantasies, what I would like, but we rarely talk about yours. What is your ultimate fantasy?”