“I know, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything I didn’t consent to. Or enjoy…” I add shyly.
He shakes his head, “I shouldn’t have let myself lose control like that.”
“Yaroslav, I’m fine,” I insist, now fully believing the words in the face of his remorse.
He looks as though he’s going to argue otherwise and continue beating himself up, so I gently cup his chiseled jaw in my hand and tenderly kiss him. He stiffens for a moment, not trusting himself before softly kissing me back. Despite how sore I am, my body aches for him and I long for him to touch me. I kiss him harder, but he breaks away.
“You must be sore. Today you rest,” he says, I can tell from his tone that I will have a hard time convincing him otherwise.
“Fine, bossy,” I tease, “Then quit distracting me and let me wash my hair.” Usually I’d leave my braids in for a few weeks, but given the loose style of them and the rough sex last night,they’re messy and ruined, so I may as well wash it out and go back to my natural curls.
“I could do it for you,” he suggests, grabbing the shampoo. “No funny business, I promise, I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it, but sure,” I reply with a smile.
“Lean back and close your eyes,” he instructs, squeezing some shampoo into his palm.
I do as I’m told, and he begins to wash my hair, massaging my scalp and shoulders as he does so. His touch is so gentle and caring it’s hard to align this Yaroslav with the one last night. He works in silence for a while, and we both relax into the task. I can hear his steady breathing and smell his rich, masculine scent that’s already so familiar to me.
“Yaroslav,” what made you so angry last night? “Was it really because I spoke with another man? I didn’t think that I wasn’t allowed to have harmless conversations, I swear it was nothing more,” I ask gently, trying to keep my voice calm and non-confrontational, not wanting to sound accusatory.
He sighs, “You’re right, it wasn’t just you talking to him, though I didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” he admits with a grunt.
“Then what was it?” I press softly.
“I haven’t seen my sister in a long time, I wasn’t expecting her to be there. It… caught me off guard,” he says cautiously.
“You don’t like surprises,” I say with a small smile.
“No. I do not,” he admits, with a little mirth in his voice.
He falls silent for a moment, focusing on rinsing my hair and massaging in the conditioner next. “How is she?” he asks, sounding almost surprised to be asking me.
I ponder his question, wondering how to answer. “She seemed… sad I think. It’s clear that her husband loves her a lot and she loves him too, but it’s almost as though she’s…”
“She’s what?” he asks.
“Lonely,” I finish. “She asked about you a lot, her eyes lit up when she spoke of you and David. She misses you,” I add, worrying I’m overstepping.
“Hmm…” he says, but he doesn’t respond, and I don’t push him to.
After rinsing my hair clean, he says, “All done. Ready to get out?”
“Yes,” I admit reluctantly, not wanting the intimate moment to end but the water is getting cold.
He gets up, grabbing a huge, white, fluffy towel and holding it up. He holds out a hand, helping me to step out of the tub, his face once more looking pained as he notices the other bruises that were hidden underwater before as he wraps the towel around me.
As we walk into the bedroom, I spot a box on my bed. “What’s that?” I ask, walking over.
“I figured you needed a new one since yours is broken,” he replies as I notice the logo on the box. He’s brought me a brand new, top-of-the-range iPhone.
“You didn’t have to do that…” I say, uncomfortable that he’s spent yet more money on me.
“No, but I wanted to,” he says. “Besides, I want to be able to call you when I’m out. And once you’ve gone…” he adds sheepishly.
I grin at him. “Thanks, I’d like to stay in touch too.”
He smiles back at me. “Eat, and get some rest,” he instructs me, adding, “I’ll have someone bring you up some painkillers.”