“I will,” I promise.
He nods, seemingly satisfied. “I have to go now, but I’ll see you later. My number is already programmed into the phone, as are Artem’s and Vova’s, call one of us if you need anything,” he says, kissing me chastely on the top of my head and leaving.
While I dig into some breakfast, toast, coffee, and some fresh fruit, I power up my new phone and peruse it. As well as the three numbers Yaroslav mentioned, there’s also my Gran’s care home saved. I sync it up to include my old contacts too before dropping Amelia and Abigail a text to let them know this is my new number. A moment later, there’s a knock at my door, it’s one of the other maids delivering some painkillers. It seems Alheri is avoiding me. In truth, I’m grateful. I know I will need to speak to her, to explain that Yaroslav isn’t some monster, but I don’t want to deal with that right now. I appreciate her looking out for me, though, even if she is mistaken about Yaroslav.
Swallowing a couple of the pills, I decide to climb into bed and read. Yaroslav said he’s going to be gone for the day and torelax, and for once I have nothing to do, so I’m going to do just that.
I must have nodded off, because the next thing I know I’m being awoken by an unfamiliar ringtone. It takes me a few moments of half-awake confusion to realize it’s coming from my new phone.
“Hello,” I answer, my voice groggy with sleep.
“Kimmy!” I hear Amelia’s voice shrieking on the other end, “Finally, you got in touch, I was starting to get worried. Are you okay? You sound strange.”
“Hey Amelia, I’m fine, I just nodded off so I’m still half-asleep,” I reply, sitting further up in bed.
“Asleep? In the middle of the day? That doesn’t sound like you’re fine. Are you sick? You and Yaroslav left the party so quickly last night, we didn’t get a chance to catch up,” Amelia peppers me rapidly with questions.
“Really, I’m fine. I’m staying with Yaroslav for a while and taking some time off work. I was just reading and accidentally nodded off,” I explain.
“Hmm, you sure sound like Kimmy, but you can’t be, my Kimmy never takes time off work, let alone moves in with a man she’s just met!” Amelia teases.
“Haha, very funny,” I reply sarcastically.
“You must be smitten to drop everything for some guy, what about your Gran?” she asks, now serious.
I bristle at her accusation, she knows how much I do for Gran and how hard I work. Why can’t she be happy for me that I’m finally getting a break instead of judging me?
“I haven’t dropped everything and Gran is well taken care of. She’s staying in the best care facility in the city to recover and I’m visiting her often,” I reply testily, before adding, “And Yaroslav isn’t justsome guy.”
I regret the words as soon as they come out.
“Oh, so it’s serious then, this fling with a rich older man? Not that I can blame you…” she says wistfully.
“No, it’s not serious. I’m just having some fun, it’s just a fling, like you said,” I reply, not sure if I believe what I’m saying but not wanting to admit to Amelia or myself how much I’m falling for him.
She can’t stop herself from asking with a giggle, “At least tell me that he’s good in bed.”
The girlish way she says this reminds me of our teenage years, hanging out in our rooms, chatting over boys, our first crushes, kisses, and sexual experiences. I can’t help but smile.
“Yes, we’ve had sex and it’s great,” I admit, grinning.
She squeals with delight. “Tell me everything! What’s he like?”
“He’s definitely different to any other guy I’ve been with.”
“Different how?”
“Well, we’ve done stuff I haven’t done before. He’s very in control and he always makes sure I cum at least once before he does, usually more,” I admit, feeling a bit smug.
“Ooh! You lucky thing, if you don’t want to marry him I will!” she cackles.
“Oh my god, Amelia, we are nowhere near close to talking about marriage!”
“Well, I’d snap him up if I were you, if you can. You could do a lot worse than Yaroslav Volkov. A hot sugar daddy is a rare thing, but a hot rich husband is even better,” she replies. “So, where did you two disappear to after the party? I lost you,” she adds.
“We came home early, we were tired,” I lie.
“Sure, tired…” she says with a smile in her voice, not so subtly suggesting she knows exactly what we were up to. If only she knew just how kinky it was, she’d be shocked.