"Immensely, and neither one of us has to hide out true natures." His expression shifted into a smile, unable to hide his infatuation with Katya. "Not to get all sappy, but you know what I mean."
"I do." Isabelle tried to return the smile. Once, she thought she'd found the one person who could accept what she was, but her enemies always find a way to catch up with her. She wasn't willing to put him in danger. Better for him to have a full, safe life. She had to let him go. She sat down in one of the armchairs. "Katya has told you about her mother, hasn't she?"
Izrayl nodded. "Yes, and her past withvolk kroviisn't an issue."
"Good to hear it. She's been carrying the weight of her father's bullshit for too long. He was a good hunter, but God, he could be a bastard," Isabelle said.
"Here we are, two sugars, no milk." Katya appeared, carrying the steaming mug. She passed it to Isabelle before seating herself on the arm of Izrayl's chair. He rested his palm on the small of her back and gave Katya a look of such affection that Isabelle had to hide a smile.
Trajan walked into the library, leading a group of people and two men she would recognize anywhere.
"Holy shit, it's the Thunder Twins!" Isabelle got up and hugged them both tightly. "I haven't seen you in how long?"
"1963, New York, I think," Chayton answered as he kissed her cheek.
"I must say I'm surprised to see you here."
"Likewise. You know we don't like leaving America, but it was important."
They had all positioned themselves in a rough circle. Isabelle noticed Trajan was holding a blond woman's hand. She was shimmering with enough magic that Isabelle could almost see it. Talk about an odd and dangerous pair.
"I'm Yvan." A tall, dark Russian offered her his hand. She shook it politely but jumped when his blue eyes rapidly changed to golden red and back again.
"It's nothing to be concerned about," he said as he sat down. The red-haired woman watched her cautiously.
"Cerise, I'm a keres," she said by way of introduction.
Isabelle gave her a nod. There wasn't a normal one amongst them.
"And I'm Anya," the ashen haired woman said from beside Trajan.
"The troublemaker who everyone is here for," Yvan teased and grinned when she flipped him off.
Isabelle turned to Katya. "Okay, what's going on? Don't leave out a thing. My senses are going mental, the Illumination and the Darkness are more active than usual, and that makes me nervous. What we found last night was beyond anything I've seen in years."
"What did you find? Katya wouldn't tell me," Anya asked.
"Because I was waiting until we were all together so I didn't have to repeat myself a million times," Katya replied.
"The Darkness were experimenting on the people of a magical bloodline," Isabelle said, getting the conversation on track. "The Darkness, like the Illumination, hunt for old families who have held power. Both follow magical families to find thebest talent. The people here in the human world don't believe in magic anymore. They have no idea of their power, and they just disappear into the night, either recruited or kidnapped. Last night we found where a dark magician was using people with magic in a transmutation experience. They were twisted hybrid creatures who died horribly and in pain."
Honaw groaned. "You really haven't changed a bit, Isabelle. Still blunt as ever."
"You all deserve to know the ugly truth because I'm finding this level of horror is increasing. The Darkness is building up their ranks and preparing for something. I just don't know what," Isabelle said. She sipped her tea. "Now, tell me what this is all about and why the hell I should help?"
Seethe crow circling high over the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-Sur-Seine. It swoops and dives over a gray stone mansion and lands on a window sill. It cocks its head curiously to one side as it studies the figure within. It hops to the next window and glimpses the fair-haired human.
Warm red magic pulses around her and lingers on objects she touches. The crow flutters nervously to a bathroom window that has been left ajar. Using its sharp beak, it works the crack open, little by little, until it can squeeze its feathered body through.
The crow hops down from the window, across the toilet's porcelain top, and onto the basin. It claws at the tangle of hair still trapped in the coarse bristles. With a small bundle of silver firmly in its grasp, it pushes its way out of the window and soars into the empty sky, searching for its master.
Trajan spotted Hamish as soon as he walked off the plane and into the Charles de Gaulle Airport. He had called Trajan from Dubai to let him know he was on his way and what time he was due in Paris. It was courteous behavior for Hamish, who tended to show up unexpectedly and leave just as quickly.
Hamish was unmistakable in a crowd, being 6 foot 5 and all muscle. His skin was a tanned golden brown, which was almost the same color as his hair. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief when he saw Trajan leaning casually against a sign with a newspaper tucked under his arm.
"Hey, pretty girl, you come here often?" Hamish asked flirtatiously.