"That's a good enough promise for us. Gates magic is so specific to the bloodline, it will be tricky to try and teach something that will be useful," Honaw replied.
"Dream walking is boundaries to other worlds, and so is spirit world walking. We can try and teach you that in the hope that it can be adaptable. Mostly it's about sensing a gateway and getting through it and back again."
"Chayton can figure out the logistics of that. I'll teach you some little tricks to take the edge of the magical build up inside of you, and we can focus on the bigger stuff when you can think clearly again," Honaw said and produced an apple out of thin air. "Let's start with levitating things. That can be handy in a fight, and there's no doubt, little shamanitsa, one is coming for you."
Isabelle Blackwood stood in front of an elegant stone mansion and re-checked the address Katya had given her. She scanned the street around her cautiously before pressing the little red intercom button.
"Can I help you?" asked a deep, guarded voice.
"My name's Isabelle Blackwood. I'm here to see Katya Domotetsky." With a loud buzz, the gate swung open. Small cameras followed her as she made her way to the polished black door. It opened, and a man appeared. He was tall and lithe with curly chestnut hair, and he was ancient. Power emanated from him so strongly, Isabelle almost took a step backward.
"Katya will be along shortly," he said politely. "Welcome to my home."
"Thank you." Isabelle held out her hand, and he shook it without any hesitation. There was something about him she couldn't put her finger on. Her senses were burning. Usually, she knew a creature's nature by looking at them, and yet she was drawing a complete blank.
"I'm Trajan. Please, come in." He took her coat and hung it in a small cupboard next to the door.
"What are you?" Isabelle asked bluntly.
Trajan's lips curled in a smile. "I am a thanatos."
"Amazing. I've never met one of you before," she said, looking at him more closely. The hunter part of her scanning him for what could be a weakness.
"And you are?" he asked.
"I'm a hunter who was bitten by something evil a long time ago."
"You have stigmata?" Trajan guessed.
"Something like that." His amused smile played around the corners of his mouth, and she found herself liking Trajan. "If Katya trusts you, then it's because you are extremely trustworthy."
"Isabelle? I thought I heard your voice." Katya hurried down the grand staircase, wearing tight black jeans and a purple top, her hair slightly disheveled. Izrayl sauntered down the stairs after her, pulling on a fresh shirt. He smiled charmingly at Isabelle and winked. "I see you have met Trajan."
"Yes, we were just doing a little game of 'get to know your monsters,'" Isabelle replied.
"Fabulous. That saves me a lot of time," Katya said and hugged her. "Thank you for coming. Let's go and talk in the library."
"I'll go and round up the others. I'm sure Anya would be ready for a break by now. Please excuse me," Trajan said and headed up the stairs.
"Would you like some tea?" Katya offered.
"Yes, please. It's freezing outside."
"Izrayl will take you to the library. I won't be long."
As Izrayl walked past Katya, he lightly brushed a hand down her back, a small intimate gesture. He led Isabelle through the gorgeous home until they reached the double doors to the library.
"I must say I'm surprised to see Katya getting friendly with avolk krovi," Isabelle commented as she sat down on one of the armchairs. "Her family doesn't have a good history with them."
"It must be my winning personality." Izrayl flopped down in the opposite chair, pulling his long braid over one shoulder.
"Or your beautiful body."
"I'm flattered that you noticed."
Isabelle looked down her nose at him. "You care about her?"