Time stopped. The crackling flames of magical lightning froze in midair the moment a figure in the shape of a man materialized near the Telos Amyet. The world paused while he solidified.
Morgan watched the man emerge from light until the details became clear. Dark hair on his forehead in a widow’s peak, sideburns allowed to grow until they connected with a slight beard of the same color. His frame was regal, his posture rigid. He gazed at Morgan through hazel eyes holding a spark of compassion, charm, happiness. A joy lacking in most normal folk. With a straight nose, wide lips, and impressive cheekbones, the man could have been anyone on the street.
He didn’t speak out loud, his words forming from somewhere inside Morgan’s mind.
I should have intervened long ago. I’m sorry.
Under normal circumstances, the man’s sudden appearance would have startled him. Instead, Morgan could only stare as the stranger took in the three sisters, his gaze lingering on each of their faces.
There was a similarity there in the way they stood. A similarity in their frozen faces and the hint of magic hanging in the air above their heads. Time had indeed stopped, for Karsia still had her human form and still clutched the remnants of the makeshift heart in her outstretched hand.
“Who are you?” Morgan asked, well aware that he was the only one able to operate outside of the man’s omnipotence. He rose and it was like pushing his way through water. He tucked his wings to his side.
I am a man who waited too long to mediate. Forgive me.
And then the fellow floated, his feet never touching the ground, to where Karsia stood. His insubstantial fingers traced the lines of the disintegrating heart in her hand. His eyes grew sad.
My poor daughter. What has she done to you? She had no right. She’s gone too far this time.
“Help her,” Morgan pleaded between clenched teeth. “Please, whoever you are, you have to help her.” He tried to move closer but remained rooted to the spot. Whatever power bound him was much stronger, much older than his own.
I will do what I can. But I need your assistance. The time has long since passed for me to remain apart from this. A line has been crossed.
“That’s an understatement if I ever heard one.”
The man smiled, the skin around his eyes crinkling. His form hardened, became more physical, more substantial. He stood tall, dwarfing Morgan’s not unimpressive six-foot-three. His features were timeless, unsullied by the stresses and demands of everyday life. Only his demeanor gave a hint of what set him apart from the rest. He radiated a sort of goodness. The polar opposite from that thing inside Karsia.
Do you not recognize me in the presence of my counterpart, Morpheus? My love, my lady…lost to the night?
Morgan was ashamed to say it took him several precious seconds to connect the pieces in his mind. “You’re the keeper of the light. The other half of the veil.”
I was Vane Cavaldi before the choice was made. And the time has come for me to take a stand.
Morgan shook his head and wondered if he was dreaming. Maybe his brother had managed to sneak inside his head. “Why now?” he couldn’t help but ask.
Karsia moved with infinitesimal slowness, her fingers clenching around the heart. The soft chanted echoes of the banishment spell still floated through the air like the hum of a forgotten radio.
I tried to remain impartial. It has never been my place to interfere. Only to keep the balance between this world and the next. We are not supposed to tamper with free will. Once I realized what Cecilia planned, I did my best to stay the course. Offer what help I could and hope the girls were strong enough to withstand her.
He sent a mournful look at Karsia.
I can see now I am nearly too late. Cecilia tipped the scale when she infected this girl against her will. Cecilia Cavaldi is my wife. It is she whom you see now, not the woman you love. And you do love her.
It was more a statement than a question. Morgan responded quickly, tipping his head. “Of course.”
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to help her?
Even if it costs you your immortality?
He answered without hesitation. “I am.”
Vane smiled, his form shimmering like heat waves off a New Mexico sidewalk. You are all to be commended for your dedication and courage. But Cecilia’s power can only be countered by mine. Time grows short. There is a war to be waged, and all of it done on a subconscious level. Your playing field, unless I’m mistaken. Son of a god.
Morgan would have laughed were it not so incredible. “I’m ready whenever you are. Although I can go in and out at will, I’ve never tried to bring anyone into the subconscious with me. Let alone the spectral incarnation of a wall between worlds. I suppose there’s a first time for everything.”