Page 83 of In the Dark

“You have to hold on. We’re here to help you. Hold on!” Aisanna demanded. Then to Astix: “Let’s try the spell again.”

They both hurried back to the book and began the chant anew. Their voices raised in unison to be heard, though only one of the four paid no attention to the words.

And only Morgan saw the steely glint return to Karsia’s black eyes when she turned to him. And winked.

“Ladies, get down!” he shouted.

“I’m going to send you to the depths of the abyss, where you can watch on in eternal agony as I tear this world to shreds,” she promised, her hate and rage spreading until it was all she knew. All she had ever known. Violence became her bedfellow, with an appetite so voracious it enveloped everything in its path.

Black lightning crackled from the ceiling, called to life by her distorted magic. Mist churned around her feet and took her into its fold to lick greedily at what remained of her human vessel.

Darkness merged with the twisted creature it possessed until no barrier remained between the two.

Morgan rushed forward to stop her. He barreled into a shield of air which burst into flames at the contact. Instead of being deterred he used his horns as a battering ram, slamming repeatedly into the invisible barrier with all his might.

“I won’t let you do this! Karsia, stop!”

Deep grooves wore into the stone cavern floor from the dark vortex surrounding her. He watched in horror as she plunged her fingers into her own chest and took hold of the makeshift heart, ripping it from inside of her. The emerald and amber duo gleamed wetly for a brief moment, then faded. She held it aloft as it darkened, sifting away like sand on a beach. Her human features dulled and faded like smoke.


Her last word was felt instead of heard, brought to life not by vocal cords but echoing inside his mind.

Morgan dropped to the ground and listened to the screech of his horns against the barrier. He’d been too late.

Blinding light suddenly filled the cavern, chasing away shadows. Another voice now. Different. Kind but firm.

That’s enough.