Page 78 of Beyond the Darkness

“Found family, it’s called,” Kit said.

“That makes sense. My court, you two, and now Connie’s parents are my found family,” Hudson said. “That feels right.”

“I think tonight was important for all of us. It’s not just about acceptance, but about understanding and respecting each other’s backgrounds and histories,” Connie said.

Kit leaned back, his gaze flicking between Connie and Hudson. “Still kind of overwhelming.”

Connie squeezed Kit’s hand. “Well, get used to it. You’re stuck with us now.”

“Good. I’m heading to bed. You guys coming?” Kit asked, standing.

“Of course.” Connie followed Hudson and Kit to their bedroom, where they got ready for bed. He was still smiling as he snuggled down between his mates.

“I suppose we should consider this the first of many family gatherings,” Hudson said.

“Absolutely,” Kit agreed. “Though I hope future gatherings involve fewer nerves on my part.”

“Isn’t the first time always the hardest? Isn’t that what they say?” Connie chuckled. “I don’t think you have to worry about nerves anymore.”

“Your mom is the greatest,” Kit said.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Connie said, a sense of peace settling over him. He looked from Kit to Hudson and back again. The bond between them was calm and happy. What more could a dragon ask for?

They chitchatted a bit more, Kit’s responses getting slower and slower until he finally drifted off to sleep.

Connie rolled over. “He’s out,” he whispered to Hudson.

“Mental stress can tire you out as quickly as physical,” Hudson said. “But it went very well tonight.”

“I didn’t have any doubt. Let’s hope tomorrow goes as well.”

“Do you mean the signing?”

“Yes,” Connie said.

“Lennox would be an idiot to try anything with all of us there. Not to mention, humans will be there also. Lennox may be a lot of things, but he is not stupid.”

“Let’s hope you’re right,” Connie said. “Good night.”

“Good night, sweetheart.”

Hudson turned off the bedside lamp, casting the room into a soft, shadowed calm. Connie drifted off to sleep, listening to the steady breathing of his mates.

SATURDAY MORNING dawned bright and clear, the sort of day that seemed full of promise. Connie was up early, restless. He watched Kit and Hudson sleep for a few moments, their faces relaxed in slumber, free from the worries of the world outside.This moment of quiet was precious because the day was going to be a full one, that was for sure.

After he texted his mom and got a response, he went to take a shower. He hadn’t been in there five minutes before Hudson joined him. As much as Connie wanted to bathe every inch of his mate, they really didn’t have time. Unfortunately for both of them, the shower was quick.

Hudson beat him out, though.

When Connie walked back into the bedroom, there were two cups of coffee sitting on the nightstand. Hudson had his own mug, and Kit was sitting up in the bed, blinking.

“Good morning,” Connie said, amused.

“Morning,” Kit mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Good morning,” Hudson replied as he handed Kit a cup. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did, actually,” Kit admitted, holding his cup protectively.