Page 79 of Beyond the Darkness

Connie leaned over to ruffle Kit’s hair affectionately. “That’s what we like to hear. Today’s going to be another big day.”

Kit eyed Hudson. “Have you already showered?”

Hudson handed Connie his mug, then nodded as he sipped from his. “Yes.”

Kit glanced at Connie. “And you have also?”


“Without me?” Kit whined.

“There’s always tonight,” Hudson reminded Kit. “The shower’s all yours. We have about an hour before breakfast.”

Kit climbed out of bed. “I will be reminding you of that tonight. An hour? Okay, that should give me enough time.” He looked at Connie. “Have you talked to your parents yet?”

“Yes. Mom’s still getting ready, but I’m going to meet my dads in the communal living area until it’s time for breakfast,” Connie said.

“I’m going to run up to my office for a minute.” Hudson took another sip of his coffee. “While you get ready, I’m going to check in with Kage.”

“How many people are we going to have there?” Kit asked.

“Audrey, Nelson, Torres, Lanny, Beckett, Connie, and me,” Hudson said. “Seven dragons plus the two who work at your store. Kage, Maia, Denisha, and Doc Terry will be there too. Axel is coming with Doc Terry. Plus, Connie’s parents.”

“Good grief. That should be more than enough,” Kit said.

“Better too many than not enough,” Connie said.

“Well, it sounds like everything is ready to go,” Kit said, setting his coffee on the nightstand.

“We’re as prepared as we can be,” Hudson said. “Try not to stress too much.”

“I’ll just be glad when today is over,” Kit said. “Okay, scoot so I can get ready.”

Connie kissed Kit on the cheek. “I’ll see you two soon.”

Connie and Hudson waved as they walked out the door. Once they were outside, Hudson turned toward Connie. “When I finish up what I’m doing, I’ll meet you in the living room.”

“Sounds good.” Connie kissed Hudson goodbye, then continued on to meet his dads.

As Connie walked through the hallways of the living area, he felt the familiar buzz of dragonkin all around him. He could also hear the construction crew getting to work as usual.

He found his fathers deeply engrossed in a game of chess. The click of the pieces echoed softly in the spacious room, which was filled with morning light filtering through the large windows.

“Good morning,” Connie greeted, approaching them with a smile.

Both looked up, and their faces lit up in unison.

“Morning, son!” Leo called out, gesturing for him to join them.

“How’s everything?” Ford asked, moving a piece across the board.

“Everything’s ready for the signing as far as I know,” Connie replied. He sat down on one of the plush couches nearby. “Just hoping it all goes smoothly.”

“You’ve done all you can,” Leo said reassuringly. “Now, it’s just about seeing it through.”

Ford nodded in agreement. “And we’re all here for you. Remember that.”

“Thanks, dads.”