Renic thought about how many ways he could throttleboth Morgan and Nate. “It’s a shame the windows don’t open. I’d really like to throw them both out of one right now.”
Lizzie giggled, which made her body move in all kinds of enticingly interesting ways against him. “It’syourparty. You really should be there. We can always sneak out after.”
Every cell in his body rejected that idea. There was no way anything else was coming in between them. Not now. Not ever again. “Oh, hell no. I’m not waiting.”
A sly smile made her eyes flash. “Then maybe we should make it quick.”
He nearly lost his mind down the rabbit hole of that suggestion. He pictured himself holding her against windows, the two of them lost in the lust of the moment with the city spread out before them like a blanket of twinkle lights.
“Renic?” Morgan called again.
Damn the woman.“Go away.”
Lizzie shifted her hips in a way that demanded his attention.
“I’ll tell them fifteen minutes,” Morgan said.
He ignored the insufferable interruption and turned his full attention to the woman in his arms. His fingers tested and teased until he found a particularly sensitive spot.
Lizzie gasped, then let out a low moan.
He needed to deal with obstacles like zippers and pants and everything else that kept him from her. Lizzie helped him tug his pants open and then reached for him, her hands soft but insistent as they teased him into a state of delicious torture.
She glanced up at him. “I want you,” she whispered.
He moaned. Next to I love you, it was the most seductive phrase he’d ever heard.
She was his now, and he wanted to take his time making love to her, but his body wasn’t interested in the slow lane. Hecrushed her against him, feeling sparks of excitement everywhere flesh met flesh. She still wore the dress, and he still had most of his clothes on, but somehow they felt completely naked.
Lizzie reached down and pushed her panties aside, then lowered herself onto him with a slow, deliberate motion that set every nerve ending on fire. He put his hands on her hips and encouraged her to go faster and faster.
He got there first, but shudders hit her body a few seconds later. The arch of her back, the way her hair spilled around her shoulders, and her face contorted with pleasure were the most perfect images of a woman that he had ever seen. She was breathtakingly raw, achingly vulnerable, and finally his.
When they were both spent, he pulled her tight against him. “Let’s stay here just like this until they all go away.”
She huffed out a soft laugh. “If you don’t go out, they’ll come in.”
He kissed her hair. “I’m not going. I’m basking.”
She leaned a little away from him. “The faster you get out there, the faster we can have the place to ourselves.”
The suggestion in her eyes gave him even more reason to stay hidden in the office.
He lifted his hips a little, which caused a delicious gasp of response. He grinned. “You sure you want to go out there?”
“They want you, not me. I’ll wait here until you get back.”
He shook his head emphatically. “Oh no. You aren’t staying backstage anymore. This deal is basically your fault. You should be there to celebrate it with me. Or we could celebrate it here. I have wine, and there’s probably a clean cup somewhere.”
She frowned and made a move to leave. “My fault? How’s that?”
He tightened his arms around her. “I did it to make time to spend with you. It took a couple of weeks to get the agreement nailed down, that’s all. I was coming back to Belhurst after the kickoff. I was going to rent every room you had and stay as long as it took. I was literally prepared to beg.”
Her face softened, but then a smile played on her face. “What makes you think I’d fall for that move twice?”
“You wouldn’t be able to help yourself. I’m irresistible. Besides, if that didn’t work I planned on standing under a window at the Carriage House playing love songs on a boom box all night until you took pity on me and let me in.”
She laughed. “Do you even own a boom box?”