Page 104 of Trouble Walked In

“No, but I bet I could find one somewhere in that town.”

The sound of voices in the hallway interrupted their afterglow. Renic growled several swear words under his breath while Lizzie slowly extracted herself from his lap.

She glanced down at herself, then back at him. “Bathroom?”

He pointed. “It’s a hidden entrance. Push on the wall under the album on the right.”

While she was gone, he did his best to make himself presentable.

The noise outside grew louder. No doubt people were heading down the hallway to find him. Or it was Morgan’s not-so-discreet way of making a point.

Five minutes later, Lizzie emerged from the bathroom with her dress back in place, wearing the same composed and reserved expression she usually wore backstage. Now he knew just how much of a facade that was. He’d seen the real Lizzie, right here in this office, and he’d never forget the way she looked when nobody else was watching.

She brushed nonexistent lint off the dress. “Do I look okay?”

He eyed her up and down. “You look better naked, but this will do.”

She rolled her eyes. “Be serious. I feel like everybody will know what we were doing in here.”

“Trust me, every single one of them would do the same in our shoes.” He held out his hand. “Shall we get this over with?”

She took a deep breath and placed her hand in his. “Okay.”

He laced his fingers through hers and led her to the party, feeling like the luckiest man alive.

Morgan found them just as they entered the lobby. She had a big, knowing grin on her face that made him bristle. He expected her to start in on the teasing immediately, which usually wouldn’t have bothered him, but tonight felt different. His protective instincts flared.

“Don’t start,” he muttered when she got close enough to hear.

She blinked, a little too innocent. “Nate and Della are waiting for you by the bar in the corner.”

She winked at him and flounced off toward the small stage they’d set up for the party.

“Who are all these people?” Lizzie asked in a soft voice. “I only recognize a few.”

They wove their way through the crowd while he explained. “Some of Omega’s PR people, plus Nate, of course, and a few of the executives. The suits are the lawyers, mostly. Tyrone and Keith are by the stage. I don’t see Jacob but he’s here somewhere. Over by the food is most of my team. The rest is spouses, friends, and crew for the launch. Everybody brought a plus one, or two. Pretty sure we’re breaking fire codes right now.”

“Lizzie! Renic!” Jordanna blocked their path abouthalfway across the room. Her big smile spoke volumes, along with the bear hug she accosted them with. “You two look perfect together. I’m so glad you finally figured it out. Oh, and, Renic, thank you so much for whatever you said to Della. It feels like she’s found her way through the tunnel and come out shining on the other side. It really saved my behind.”

“No problem. Did she mention Piper and Mattie to you?”

Jordanna raised an eyebrow. “No. Do tell.”

He shook his head. “Later. If we don’t make this announcement soon Morgan’s going to have my ass for breakfast.”

Jordanna laughed. “You better get to it then. It’s good to see you, Lizzie. Come around more often, okay?”

Lizzie smiled and nodded, but Renic could feel her tension at that suggestion. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly until she relaxed.

Heads swiveled in their direction as they crossed the lobby toward the bar next to the stage. Renic was forced to drop Lizzie’s hand as people rushed to congratulate him along the way. By the time he reached the stage, she’d vanished in the sea of people. He wanted to search for her, but Nate Edwards stepped forward to shake his hand, and he was forced to pay attention to one of the most influential people in the music industry instead.

Nate smiled with satisfaction. “Renic. The show was fantastic. Della’s best yet.”

Renic smiled back, but inside he winced. He hadn’t told Nate about Della’s desire to reform The Bellamy Sisters as a group, but tonight didn’t seem like the right moment. Besides, Della hadn’t managed to get Piper and Mattie onboard with her schemes, as far as he knew. It might not happen at all. Best to keep it quiet for now. “I caught the firsthalf, then I had to leave to make sure this was all set up. You ready?”

He scanned the group by the stage and found Della and Lizzie giggling like schoolgirls with a secret.

What were they talking about?