Page 132 of Golden Atonement

Montana shook his head. “Can’t do that, Reaper. I know you. You’ll kill him just for breathing.”

“You don’t have a choice here, Montana. You openly discussed a blood pact with a non-sitting member of your club. Even I know that’s against biker law,” Giovanni stated.

“They’re right, boss,” Mercy added. “I hate it, but they are right.”

Getting to his feet, Montana clearly said, “I don’t give a fuck. This meeting is over. Malice, grab Benson. That fucker is coming with me.”

“I don’t think so, fucknuts.”

“And who’s gonna stop me?” Montana challenged, and that’s when everyone stood up.

Chapter Eighteen


Why Max thought I could babysit Solomon was anyone’s guess. The man never listened to anyone, and the one person he did listen too was back in California with their daughter.

God, what I wouldn’t give to have Sunny here right now.

“Come on, Solomon,” I pleaded as I damn near had to run to catch up with the brooding man. “Let’s go find an ice-cream shop. I’m sure this city has a few. We can test them all out and see who has the best ice cream.”


“Are you hungry?” I asked, spotting a diner up ahead. “How about some pancakes and bacon? You love bacon.”


No. That was the only word the big guy had spoken to me since Reaper and the others left me in charge of Mr. Grumpy. I got that he hated being away from Sunny, but as the only relative to Delany, he had to be here. All I had to do was keep him happy until Max sent word for us to head to the clubhouse. He should have known that Solomon wasn’t going to wait for shit.

He never did.

Running ahead of him, I stopped, holding my hands out to halt him.

“Solomon.” I firmly stood my ground. “I need you to think for a minute. You go into that clubhouse without Reaper and anything can happen. I promised Sunny that I would make sureyou returned home without a scratch. You don’t want to make a liar out of me, do you?”

The big guy huffed, slowly shaking his head.

“Then let’s go back to the hotel and wait for the others. Your cousin isn’t going anywhere. She is safe for the moment.”

Solomon narrowed his eyes, then walked around me like I was just a leaf blowing in the wind.


Groaning, I ran to catch up with him again.

“What do you mean, no?”

“She’s not safe.”

“Yes, she is!” I cried loudly as he refused to listen and marched right through the gates of the Soulless Sinners’ compound and headed for the front doors.


This was not good.

“Dammit, Sandman! You can’t just charge into another clubhouse like you own the place. Wars are started that way.”

The big guy growled.