Page 131 of Golden Atonement

“He talks, I’ll kill him myself.” Fedorov glared, and Vladmir grinned.

While it was fun watching Benson squirm, he wasn’t the one I was here for.

“So, where is he?” I asked, looking around the room.


“The soon-to-be-dead Soulless Sinner.”

“You are not killing my brother!” Montana roared.

Chuckling, I leaned back in my chair. “Okay. Then I will take my Golden Legacy and her daughter home with me.”

“Harlow is also a Sinner. The kid stays,” Montana snarled.

“Yeah, I don’t think so, fucknuts. Either I take ‘em both, or you hand over your brother.”

“Oh, come on, Reaper,” Mercy groaned. “Storm loves Delany, and you know it. She’s pregnant with their second child. Are you really willing to hurt her over some stupid fucking vendetta you have with Montana?”

“Fine.” I grinned, then pointed my finger at the smiling asshole at the other end of the table and said, “I will acknowledge the marriage and give my blessing, if fucknuts here will admit to being a douche canoe.”

“That’s it!” Montana shouted, getting to his feet, reaching for his guns as Mercy, Fury, and Malice rushed to stop him.

“God, I missed this shit.” Massacre laughed loudly, watching the drama, only to shut up instantly when Giovanni glared at him.

“Do not encourage them.”

“What!” Massacre scoffed. “I didn’t say shit. I’ve been sitting here minding my own business. Besides, Montana is gonnaget what he deserves. Fucker left me hanging out to dry with Petrovitch.”

“That was not my fault, and you fucking know it!” Montana roared as he shoved his brothers off him.

Mercy groaned, pocketing Montana’s guns as he took his seat again. “Massacre, do everyone a favor and shut the hell up.”

“Don’t talk to my cousin that way,” Giovanni clipped angrily. “He wouldn’t have been in danger if it wasn’t for you two assholes.”

“We are not rehashing that argument again.” Fedorov sighed.

Benson muttered, looking at Montana, “It was your fault.”

The room went deathly quiet.

“What was my fault, asshole?”

“His blown cover. George Stone told Baranov that Massacre was a plant. That’s why Massacre’s cover was blown. You told your dad and your dad told his friends.”

I threw my head back and laughed.

My God. This shit was priceless.

Everyone turned and stared at Montana, who had enough fucking brains in his head to sit and say absolutely fucking nothing.

“Tell me you didn’t?” Maxim Fedorov asked, glaring at the man.

When Montana stayed quiet, I sobered, looking across the table, and said, “You know something, fucknuts. For a man who claims to be smart, you sure are stupid. Even I know not to discuss the details of a blood pact.”

Montana groaned, knowing he was in the wrong. “What do you want?”

“I want to meet Storm.”