Page 104 of Golden Atonement

“The biggest threat to you is the Soulless Sinners. Max, do not trust them. That club has dark roots and will not think twice before wiping you and the Golden Skulls off the map because William Doherty was there the day of your greatest nightmare. He, along with George Stone, the President of the Soulless Sinners, watched from behind the scenes as you were forced to have sex with the young girl, Sarah Greene. Her file is the only file not on the thumb drive, but I know how you can get it. Max, I have a plan, and if you follow it to the letter, you will live free, unencumbered by this life, and maybe you will finally be able to find the happiness that you’ve been denied. It won’t be easy, but nothing in life ever is. Trust your gut, Son,” Sypher said then added moments later, “The rest is an itinerary of sorts. A step-by-step guide on what to do next. Reaper, the Satan’s Angels are in bed with the Soulless Sinners. Pops wants you to—”

Shaking my head, I muttered, “No more. I don’t want to hear anymore.”

“What does Pops say, kid?”

My head snapped up to find Ghost standing behind Jason. Looking at my most trusted brother, I didn’t know what to say.

“He wants a brother to infiltrate the Bratva, the Soulless Sinners, and Satan’s Angels. The President, Steele, is working with Baranov, Stone, and someone called Devlin Scott. Steele has records of his club’s dealings. He keeps it close. As does Baranov and Stone.”

“Email me the itinerary, kid, then I am ordering you to stay fucking silent. Got me. No one knows.”

“Understood, Ghost.” I heard Sypher gulp. “Email sent.”

I heard Ghost’s phone ping as I disconnected the call.

I said nothing while I sat there, and Ghost looked at his phone. However, the second I saw his shoulders drop, he closed his eyes, I knew what he said next I wasn’t going to like. And I was right, because when Ghost finally looked at me, I steeled myself while he lowered the boom.

“I’ve got an idea, but you’re not going to like it. Brace yourself.”

“Hold up,” Matrix said. “You mean to tell me it was Ghost who came up with this plan?”

“Yeah. I was in no condition to think rationally. All I cared about was Remi and her safety. Ghost knew I would do anything to ensure that, even dying to protect her.” I chuckled, then added, “And I guess I did.”

“And Jason?” Ink asked.

“Since Jason showed up out of the blue, Ghost knew Satan’s Angels wouldn’t know who he was. They’d think he was a prospect, someone who just joined the club. That his loyalty hadn’t been tested yet and could easily be turned. I had already suspected Chaos since he had been selling drugs through the Golden Slipper to Satan’s Angels. Ghost asked him to get close to Chaos.”

“And I did.” Jason sighed. “By the time of Reaper’s supposed death, the club was divided. It was easy to take sides. Ghost knew Chaos wanted the chair, but he couldn’t take it himself because Hellhound never claimed him. Me, however, I was born Golden, thanks to Mom and Dad. With me at his side, I could claim the chair, and when I was sitting in it, he would kill me. Well, that was his plan, but Chaos never considered Steele. After the Satan’s Angels’ attack, Steele kept me and Chaos close. Me more so than him because I was the one with Golden blood. After a while, Chaos showed his true colors and started doing drugs and whoring his way through the club. Steele knew Chaoswas nothing more than a worthless pussy, so he made sure some of the club brothers kept him high all the time. Eventually, Steele patched me in, and over time, I found myself sitting in church. I became someone Steele could count on since I didn’t partake in the clubs’ festivities. Fucker had no problem selling drugs, but once a brother started using, he never trusted them again.”

“How are you not in jail with the rest of them?” Phantom asked.

“Because I completed my job when I helped Steele’s wife escape. With her free, I fucking jetted like the wind and laid low until it was safe to return home.”

“And you, Dwayne?” Player snarled. “Were you a part of this?”

Massacre shook his head. “Not at first, no. Everyone believed I died at the Golden Wedding. It took some doing, but eventually I was able to infiltrate the Russian Bratva. Those fuckers don’t trust anyone. My job was to gather information on Petrovitch and send it back to Montana and Fedorov, so they could finish what Reaper started,” Massacre admitted. “It wasn’t until my cover was blown that shit went tits up. I was running for my life when I got word that Reaper was alive. I found him in the city and that’s when he told me the score.”

Leaning forward in his chair, Bullseye looked at me and growled. “Ghost didn’t really leave the club, did he?”

Looking at my brother, I slowly shook my head.

This was a clusterfuck.

After telling the club everything I knew, brothers scattered off while a few headed straight for the bar to get drunk.

I didn’t blame them.

It was a lot to take in.

As for Phantom, well, she locked herself in her office and hadn’t been seen since. With the information I laid at her feet, if I knew that woman, she was determined to uncover all the information as soon as possible. Her old man sat across from me, glaring.

Fucker still hadn’t said a word since we walked into my office.

“Are you just gonna sit there and growl?”

“You’re lucky I’m not etching your name into a fucking bullet.”

Sighing, I hung my head. “I didn’t tell you because you tend to jump off the deep end, Dylan.”