Page 103 of Golden Atonement

“FUCK!” I roared, raking my hands through my hair. “What the fuck am I doing? No pact is worth this shit.”

A knock at the door had me turning while Jason slipped inside, locking the door behind him. Reaching inside his jacket, he handed me a book of sorts. Made of leather and worn pages, it was wrapped tightly in a leather strap.

“Like I said, I don’t know what it is, but it’s my dad’s handwriting. I’d know that chicken scratch anywhere. But none of it makes sense.”

Opening the book, I frowned.

“It’s just a bunch of numbers and letters,” I said, flipping through the pages.

“Yeah,” Jason moaned, standing before me.

“And where did you find it?”

“In Dad’s footlocker. After he died, Mom didn’t have the heart to get rid of anything, so she just put the locker in the attic and forgot about it. When I told her I was moving out after I got the chief of police job in Purgatory, she told me to take Dad’s things and to stay safe.”

“That was right around the time when shit was kicking off with the Society.”

“Yeah. I originally talked with Chains about setting up a meeting with you, but when I heard nothing, I figured you didn’t want me, so I stayed at the police station. Then you killed Chief Conner and the city made me interim police chief. Shit got really freaking weird after that. I fucking hated that job and was thinking about leaving when I spotted Savage walking out of the bank. I asked again for a meeting with you, but then shit went sideways and the whole damn town thought all you guys were dead.”

“So, you’ve had this since you were a deputy?”

“Yeah, and I’ve been trying to get it to you ever since.”

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered, walking around my desk and taking a seat. Laying the book on my desk, I shook my head. “I have no fucking clue what this shit is. It looks like gibberish to me.”

Reaching for my cell phone, I snapped a picture of a code written on the front cover and sent it to Sypher. If there was anyone on the planet who could make sense of this shit, it would be him. And I was right, because not even a few seconds later, my phone rang.

“Where the hell did you get that!” the kid shouted excitedly.

“Uh, it just dropped in my lap. Why?” I muttered, laying my phone on the desk and hitting the speaker button.

“Then you are the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet, because that is the key code.”


“The password, Reaper. It is the password to the thumb drive Pops gave you!”

My head snapped to Jason, who was frowning.

“Are you telling me that after all these fucking years, you are finally in that damn thumb drive?”

“Not only in, but I’m staring at thousands of secured and encrypted files.”

“Holy fuck,” I groaned, flipping through page after page of passwords. Why would Arsenal have a book of passwords? I already had enough shit to deal with. I wasn’t in the mood to go on a fucking scavenger hunt.

Rubbing my temple, I groaned. “Well, Jason Seaver showed up with a book of codes. I’m betting it’s the key to unlock all those files.”

“Reaper,” Sypher whispered as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. “Pops left you a letter.”

“What does it say?” I growled.

“Dear Maxwell. If you are reading this, then I am dead. I am so sorry I wasn’t able to protect you. I never wanted this life for you and for that, I am truly sorry. Max, I’ve ensured your future, so pay attention. This thumb drive contains everything you will need to navigate the underworld. Who to trust, who to deal with, who to watch, and who to kill. The biggest threat to you is the Soulless Sinners. Max, do not trust them. That club has dark roots and will not think twice before wiping you and the Golden Skulls off the map because ... oh dear God.”

“What?” I roared, slamming my hand down on the desk. “What did he say Sypher?”

“Maybe I should just send this to you, and you can read it in private.”

“Too late now. Read the fucking letter!”