“The threat to my daughter is dead, Mr. Stone.”
Dakota growled while Kansas held up his hand, stopping him from saying anything more. Looking at us both, Kansas nodded. “I think lunch will do Remi some good. She’s been cooped up here for far too long. If you don’t mind, I would, however, like to send one of my brothers as extra protection.”
“I am more than capable of protecting my daughter.”
“And you’ve done such a marvelous job of that already,” Dakota snarked.
Vladmir slowly got to his feet, buttoning his jacket. “This was a mistake. I should never have come. Please forgive my intrusion. I will leave now.”
“No, stay,” I ordered, getting to my feet and glaring at Dakota. “What the fuck is your problem? Why can’t I leave?”
“You know why. I told you this many times.”
“Vladmir is right. Petrovitch and Baranov are dead. The threat to me is gone. Why the hell am I still here in Oklahoma?”
Dakota looked at Kansas, who shook his head.
“Someone better tell me the fucking truth right now or I’m taking my kids and fucking leaving.”
“Just tell her, Kansas,” Shadow said leisurely, leaning against the doorway, watching the drama unfold.
I didn’t buy it for a damn minute.
I’d seen that fucker in action. Shadow didn’t have a fucking leisurely bone in his fucking body.
“Remi is stronger than you all give her credit for.”
Kansas groaned. “Fine. There’s a bounty out on your head. Satan’s Angels are gearing up for war.”
“And Montana thinks that with you here, safely surrounded by the Diamondbacks and my men, they won’t be able to get to you,” Dakota finished.
I sighed. “This is never going to fucking end, is it?”
Dakota pushed off the wall and reached for me.
Flinching, I stepped back.
Halting, Dakota’s face fell. “Remi, I should have told you. I’m sorry. You’ve been through so much already. I was only trying to protect you.”
Shaking my head, I whispered, “No. You were doing what Montana ordered you to do. There is a difference.” Turning to Vladmir, I asked, “If I ask you a question, will you tell me the truth or a lie?”
My father looked me right in the eyes and replied, “The truth.”
“Where is Reaper?”
“In New York City, at Saint Agatha’s Catholic Church. He has been since he killed Baranov.”
“And this new threat?”
“A recent development that the Soulless Sinners have assured my boss is under control.”
“But you don’t believe them?”
Vladmir smirked. “In my line of work, I rarely believe anyone until proven otherwise.”
“What would you do in my situation?”