Page 37 of Golden Atonement

He owed me.

They all did, and I planned on making them pay dearly.

Walking up the steps, I entered the cabin of the plane and sighed.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“We need to talk.”

“About what?”


Taking a seat, I groaned. “Save it, Vicious. I already know everything.”

Leaning toward me, he sighed. “You only know what Montana wants you to know. He’s been lying to you, Remi. Has been from the beginning.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Well, for starters, I didn’t just leave the Golden Skulls to protect Linsey and the girls.”

Looking at him, I muttered, “Excuse me?”

“Reaper knew. He knew everything. He knew what the Soulless Sinners would do and they fucking did it. You know I was a nomad before I settled down with Elizabeth. What only Reaper and the officers knew was that I personally knew Montana. Not from being a biker, but from growing up in New York City. The social elite is a small group, Remi, and Reaperknew if he was going to catch the Soulless Sinners in a lie, he needed someone on the inside.”


He nodded. “Yes. The night before your wedding, Maxim Fedorov and Montana Stone made a blood pact with Reaper.”

“I already know this, Vicious. Reaper agreed to lie low after the Golden Wedding while they took care of theSociety. In exchange, Reaper agreed as long as they swore a blood oath to protect me.”

“You know Reaper better than anyone, Remi. Do you honestly believe your husband would sit back and let someone else determine your fate?”

He was right.

I knew Reaper wouldn’t sit idly by and do nothing.

It wasn’t in his nature.

“What aren’t you telling me, Vicious?”

“The night theSocietyfell, it wasn’t Fedorov or Stone who struck the killing blow. It was us. We did it when Sypher released the thumb drive to the authorities and it made worldwide news. You were there. You remember that night?”

I nodded.

I did. It was all over the news.

“They didn’t keep their word. They broke the blood pact when they failed to take out Petrovitch, the middleman and Baranov, the man who pulled his strings.”

Sighing, I closed my eyes.

“Max knew who my nightmare was all along, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, sweetheart, he did. Reaper knew all the players. Your man is very methodical when it comes to your safety. He left nothing to chance where you were concerned. Montana couldn’t let Reaper take down theSocietyall on his own. It would make him look weak at the table.”

“The table?”

“The head of all the underground organizations. Montana is the head of the Biker Federation. His word is law in the biker world.”