Page 38 of Golden Atonement

“That’s why he made a blood pact with Reaper.”

“Yeah, but Reaper knew the fucker had an agenda for agreeing and it had nothing to do with theSocietyor protecting you. The Golden Skulls were in the news. We were becoming something the Soulless Sinners couldn’t contain. Montana runs the biggest biker club in the world. We were small-time compared to that club. The Soulless Sinners couldn’t let a little nothing club show them up in front of the table. So, they inserted themselves as a way out.”

“But he wasn’t.”

“No. Montana cornered Reaper, giving him no choice when Satan’s Angels started causing trouble. Satan’s Angels were too big for us on our own. We knew that. So, the Soulless Sinners offered Reaper a way out.”

“At what cost?”

“The club.”

Shaking my head, I scoffed. “Bullshit. Reaper would never give that man the Golden Skulls. He’d die before he allowed that to happen.”

“You’re right. Montana knew that too, and because Montana was still blood bound by the pact he made, he couldn’t stand by and let Satan’s Angels destroy the club, not with you still in residence.”

Taking a deep breath, I sighed. “He set Reaper up, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he did.”


“Because with Reaper dead, the Soulless Sinners could assimilate the Golden Skulls into their club. Reaper has been a thorn in the Soulless Sinners’ side for years, but they never could do anything because Reaper’s actions were always justified bybiker law. The second you left, he won. All they had to do was sit back and watch Satan’s Angels destroy the club.”

“But that didn’t happen.”

“No, it didn’t. That’s why Reaper sent me to New York with Linsey.”

“He sent you to watch Montana.”

“No. He sent me to watch the Soulless Sinners.”

October 12, 2023


Sitting on one of the picnic tables behind the Diamondback clubhouse, I looked around the area and sighed.

It was so fucking hot here. And holy shit, was it dry.

Nothing green for miles. Just the scorching sun blistering down, suffocating dry heat, and flat terrain. No mountains, no trees, no ocean.

I fucking hated it here.

I still didn’t know why Dakota insisted we stay.

It made no sense. As far as I knew, the threat to me was gone. So why was I still here in this hellhole? Of course, when I asked, nobody told me shit. The only response I got was it was for mine and the kids’ safety.

Safety from what?

To make matters worse, since my conversation with Vicious, I had begun to question everything and everyone. I didn’t know who to trust anymore. Surrounded by the Diamondbacks and the Stone brothers, a seed of doubt took root and I couldn’t shake it.

The only ones immune to the possible threat were my kids and even they were on alert.

Hearing Jesse laugh, I looked over at him while Kali’s daughter, Tabitha, chased my son around the backyard. Some of the Diamondback brothers milled around. The little girl was a spitfire and refused to take no for an answer. The second she sawJesse, my son had no choice but to fall in line and be the little girl’s friend.

In a way, I was grateful to the little girl. Her strong inclination and determination brought my son out of his depression, and he was now smiling and laughing again.

For that, I would always be grateful.