“That’s the pot calling the kettle black.”
“Look, I know I do the same, but I knew you would go off the reservation and just kill everyone.”
“Still might.”
“Well, you can’t,” I snarked, glaring back at the moody fucker. “I need you here, at my side.”
Dylan huffed, “Until Ghost returns.”
Quirking an eyebrow, I smirked. “You saying you want to keep the VP position?”
“Fuck no,” my brother growled. “Fucking hate babysitting those fuckers.”
“Then tell Massacre to do it.”
“Already did.” Bullseye grinned, then sobered. “You notice how quiet Sandman was?”
“Yeah,” I said, leaning back in my chair.
“Word of advice, Max. It’s not me you should be worrying about. In fact, I’d say we have two problems.”
“Sandman and Ravage.”
Dylan nodded. “Sandman I get, but not Ravage.”
“Not telling you his story, Dylan.”
“Not asking you to, but a word of warning. The longer this goes unsettled, the more agitated Ravage will become, and trust me when I say this. You do not want Ravage going off the reservation. He will make Sandman’s temper look like child’s play. Brother has a dark side, Reaper. I’d even say it’s as dark if not darker than yours. So be careful.”
“What’s the plan with Montana ‘cause I really don’t like that motherfucker?”
“I am going to do nothing at the moment. Right now, I’m letting the fucker hang himself. He still has time to come clean. Tell me what he knows.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“Then what I do next is on him.”
“And these ghost files?”
Shrugging my shoulders, I groaned. “Until I know more, I’m keeping everything under wraps. Right now, Sypher’s managed to unlock the files containing the active clubs and organizations associated with the table. It’s a lot of incriminating evidence.”
“You use it against them and it will mean war.”
“I know,” I muttered. “Which is why I’m considering just handing it all over to them. We just got out of a nasty war. Not looking to start another. Besides, my gut is telling me Montana’s world is about to bust wide open when the table learns what his Pops was into. It’s not looking good for that fucker.”
“Sins of the father and all that shit.”
“Yep. Something we’re familiar with. Gotta say, I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone, but then again, that motherfucker used my wife to bring me to heal. Fucker needs to atone for that one.”
“And Fedorov?”
“Not sure yet,” I admitted. “Maxim is a lot like me. He did what he did to protect Illyria. I can understand that, but it’s his association with Montana I don’t understand.”
“They shared a common goal. Could be as simple as that.”
I nodded. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right.”