Page 78 of King Of Order

I slid my thumb over her pulsing clit, snarling in satisfaction as her head whipped in bliss.

I bent my mouth to the nipple, sucking hard as I went to work. Filling her with two, then three digits, thrusting deep, loving how wild she was writhing under me.

She’d cupped her other tit and was plumping it in self-pleasure when I shifted.

I lifted one hand off her cunt, pushed her tits together, and sucked the pair into my mouth, tongue lashing their tips.

She bucked, leonine hair flying, crying out loud, all bets off.

Fotto, she was out of this world.

My hips jerked, seeking relief, rubbing my cock against her soft mound, driving us wilder.

‘Rio, fuck me,’ she moaned. ‘Fuck me now.’

Her hands had somehow slid between us, and she caught her prize.

At the first squeeze and glide over my cockhead, I almost came in her hand.

‘Damn woman,’ I groused, fingers at her nipple and lower to the juncture of her legs. ‘I’m going to blow,’ I groaned, thrusting into her squeezing hand.

‘Then fuck me, Rio. I crave you inside me,’ she challenged, eyes flashing as she squeezed me even harder.

With a growl, I sat back on my heels and spread her thighs, feasting on the view.

When she thrust her hips to me, offering herself, I melted. With need and emotion, for the look on her face, of such adoration and desire,for me, was enough to undo all my inhibitions.

I leaned in, one elbow, one limb sinking into the divan beside her.

Shifting until I was over her, head down, eyes on hers, lips meeting her mouth.

I wanted to savor her essence when I entered her.

I glided a hand over her heated, sweating skin from nape to mound, loving how she felt and the softness of her complexion.

She wrapped a thigh around me, encircling me, her hand grasping my hair, pulling me for a deeper kiss.

I slid a knee between her thighs and tapped my cock on her entrance. I alternated with my fingers, working her as she wetted my digits, readying her for me.

‘You’re no wolf,’ she breathed into my mouth.

I froze. ‘The fuck?’

‘You’re no wolf,dolce metà, the one creature I keep comparing you to. You’re adrago,’ she went on, hips churning against my stroking. ‘You’re flaming me, scorching me.’

I chuckled, understanding her meaning. ‘Sei la mia regina dei draghi.’

Damn, she was my dragon queen, as she grabbed my cock, stroking me with wild abandon.

‘No more,amore,’ I rasped, even as my waist thrust in her tight grasp. ‘Cazzo!’

I punished her with an extra hard flick of her clit, and she lurched.

‘Damn, even when we’re fucking, we’re sparring,’ she whispered, head tilted back in pleasure. ‘One hell of a chemistry!’

‘Makes it all so much hotter, no?’ I rumbled against her neck.

She moaned, so lost in ecstasy she’d no comeback.