‘Lips,’ I commanded.
Her head came to mine, and it was back to sucking on her mouth, even as I guided my head between her pussy folds.
She nodded, and I slid into heaven, into a white-hot, scorching, rippling vice.
‘Fotto!’ I growled, for the bliss was almost too much to take, grinding down on her.
She was also so tight, too tight.
Just as I thought it, she gasped.
This time, it wasn’t in pleasure, and I froze, lifting my mouth off her.
My eyes met her wet ones, down to the press of her lips, lower still to the stillness of her hips.
Fuckinghellshit. Cazzo.
‘You’re a virgin,’ I stated, between stiff lips, back aching from holding so still.
She nodded, a tear slipping from one eye.
I exhaled and shifted as if to lever off her, but her thighs came around me, clasping me fast, tight, hard.
‘Please, Rio, continue.’
‘Not when I’m hurting you,’ I growled, some of my tumescence softening, heart pounding, hating that I was harming her.
Also, not happy with not being informed about her innocence. I’d have been more gentle, more -
She arched her back, pushing her pussy into me so that it slid over my thrumming cock. I hissed at the wild sensation, shaking my head.
‘Bello, per favore,’ she begged, her breath hot in my mouth. ‘I need this.’
‘What about protection?’ I grunted.
She took a breath and smiled. ‘I’ve been on the pill for weeks now.’
‘You planned this?’
She shrugged, and I sucked my teeth, not entirely happy, for I’d thought I was doing all the setting up around here.
She smirked as if reading my thoughts, lifted her head, captured the back of mine, and kissed me long and slow. Her fingers worked my scalp, sending bolts of pleasure through me.
My doubts eased, fuck, anyone’s would have with that lithe, sensual body beneath them, cock still buried inside her folds.
‘You’re sure?’ I growled, my shaft harder than it’d ever been.
She nodded. ‘I want this. The pain has vanished now, lover.’
I narrowed my eyes on her, tagging the raw hunger in her face, going wild at the rippling of her cunt all along my throbbing cock.
‘All bets off?’ I growled.
‘They’ve been gone for a long time now,bello. Adorn me, my dragon. Love on me. Flame me, fuckin’ burn me up.’
Her whisper ignited me.