I recognize his voice immediately. He was in my study group in my senior thesis class. “Hey, Jacob. How’s the job going?” He was really friendly and even asked me out a few times. He seemed like a nice guy, but I told him I was concentrating on finishing school and getting a degree, and he seemed to be okay about it. However, I’m surprised he’s calling me now.
“The job is good. The reason I’m calling is I was thinking now that we’re graduated and you marked that off your list, you might go out with me. Maybe dinner... so we can catch up.”
“Uh, I’ve been really busy trying to find a job. Now isn’t the best time.”
Stuck in traffic as I’m talking to him, I get that prickle on the back of my neck like someone is watching me. I reach up and adjust my rearview mirror to see the cars behind me. I look to the left at the driver beside me, but I don’t spot anyone watching me.
“Kali, are you there?” Jacob asks.
“Uh, yeah, sorry, what were you saying?” I push on the gas when the car in front of me starts to move again.
“I said you’re never going to date if you keep letting life get in the way. Besides, you’re brilliant, the smartest in our class. You’ll have a job in no time.”
Even though I’m flattered, I still can’t bring myself to accept. “I hardly know you, Jacob, I just wouldn’t be comfortable.”
“Hardly know me?” his voice booms in the speakers, and I flinch. “We’ve been in the same study group for the whole year and in a lot of the same classes.” He trails off, and when he talks again, it’s in a softer tone like the one I’m used to hearing from him in the trial therapy class sessions we had in school. “You’ve obviously been hurt before. I’m sorry that it’s so hard for you to trust people, Kali. I hope in time you can. Good luck with your interviews.”
Perturbed by his arrogance at treating me like a patient or something, I laugh off his assessment. “Okay, thanks, Doctor Jacob. Bye.”
I hit the button on the steering wheel to disconnect the call and try to clear my mind of Jacob. When I get to the building, I pull into the underground parking structure. It’s pretty full, and I ignore the claustrophobic feeling I get as I go deeper below ground level. Looking at my watch, I know I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry. I grab my tote bag and purse from the passengerseat and get out of my car. It’s darker down here, and I stride toward the sign that says elevator.
I can hear someone else walking toward the elevator bay. I look back and see it’s a man. Immediately my heart is hammering again, and my breath is coming in short little gasps.
Stay calm, Kali.
I’m backat the warehouse in Whiskey Run finishing up the paperwork, and like every other mission, I’m on edge and know I’m not going to be able to go home and sleep. I try not to think about the fact that I don’t have anyone at home waiting for me. Once I’m showered and cleaned up, Logan and Aiden are the only ones still around.
“Want to go for a drink?” I ask them.
“Fuck yeah.”
They both look at me with relief, telling me that I’m not the only one that wasn’t looking forward to going home alone.
“Where do you want to go? The Whistler? Or Twisted Lime?” I ask them, naming the most popular bar in Whiskey Run and then Twisted Lime, which is in Jasper.
“Twisted Lime.” They both answer in unison.
I nod understandingly. Even though I love Whiskey Run, sometimes you have to unwind where everyone doesn’t know you and you can breathe without having to talk to everyone. “I’ll meet you there.”
I drive across town, and the whole way I can’t stop thinking about the couple on the airplane. From the minute I saw themuntil I left them to do my own paperwork, they were holding hands, not wanting to let the other one go. The Jensens. I finally asked their names, and they are Mike and Stephanie Jensen. They’ve been married for twelve years and were on their yearly anniversary trip when they had been taken hostage.
With a peck on my window, Logan waves me out of the car. I follow them in and try to push my thoughts of the Jensens as far out of my mind as possible.
The bar is low key and a place that’s friendly to military and law enforcement. The atmosphere is nice, and there are even quite a few nice-looking women at the bar.
Logan and Aiden sit down at a high table right in the middle, and I follow suit. We barely get our drinks ordered before we are surrounded by three ladies. It’s obvious they are all eyeing Aiden, but it won’t take them long to figure out they don’t have a chance. Aiden may look, but that’s it. I’ve never seen him with a woman in all the years I’ve known him.
Logan, on the other hand, is the player. He may have been a doctor in the military and is one of the smartest guys I know, but he likes to have fun. I don’t think he’ll ever settle down.
“You’re hurt,” one of the women says to Logan, holding his hand up to inspect it.
He smirks at Aiden and me as if to say,You should see the other guy.
She reacts like every other woman he’s shown. She rubs his hand and offers to kiss it and make it feel better. Luckily, we don’t have to sit and watch them long because Aiden stands up and takes her out to the dance floor.