Page 66 of Whiskey Run Heroes

As if a silent decision is made between the two remaining women, one leaves, and the remaining slim blonde presses to my side, her breast brushing against my arm. “What about you? You going to ask me to dance?”

I look at her, and she’s beautiful. Any other time I would probably take her up on it. But not today. Not after seeing the Jensens and the way they were with each other—well, I just don’t want to waste my time. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Thank you, though.”

She looks hurt, and I feel guilty. I hate to hurt a woman’s feelings, but I’m just not interested. Not tonight.

The woman walks away, and I sit back and sip my beer. Aiden is quiet as always, drinking his beer, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.

We sit for a while, leaning up with the bar at our backs. People are laughing, dancing, and having a good time. I sip on my beer and try to figure out what this feeling is. A part of me wants to sleep off the last few days, and another part of me wants to figure out what this unsettled pit is in my stomach. I’m not one to feel lonely, but right now I do.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but I look over at Aiden, who’s typing into his phone. “What are we doing, Aiden?” It’s a loaded question, and I don’t really expect an answer.

When he looks at me, I nod out toward Logan. He’s dancing and laughing with a woman in his arms. There’s no doubt he is having fun, but I really doubt he goes home with her from here. It seems there’s a shifting in our group, a restless energy among us, and that’s not good, not in our line of work.

Instead of answering me, Aiden shrugs his shoulders. “I’m going to head out.”

“Does it have something to do with who you’ve been texting?”

He opens his mouth and shuts it quickly.

I just smirk. “It’s May, right? You’re texting with May?”

As soon as I mention Colt’s little sister, he sits up straight in the seat. He’s about to deny it and then shakes his head. “How’d you know?”

I just shrug. “I noticed you two. It’s pretty obvious there’s something going on.”

He nods. “Does Colt know?”

I think about Colt. He’s been pretty busy since he’s married Kinsley, and most likely he hasn’t noticed that there’s something going on with his little sister and one of his best friends. “I don’t think so, but you know he’s going to find out. It’d be better if he heard it from you.”

“I know,” he says. He takes a deep breath and stands up. “I’m outta here.”

I nod. “Me too.”

I get Logan’s attention to let him know we’re heading out and then I walk out with Aiden. “See you tomorrow.”

We go our separate ways, and even though it’s still early, I’m going to go home and get some sleep. There’s no telling how long downtime will actually last, and the sleep will do me good. With nothing exciting in my personal life, I’m already looking forward to our next mission.



I have myself so worked up that when the guy draws near me, I leap away and turn to engage him. If he’s here to hurt me, I’ve already decided I’m not going down without one hell of a fight. I’ve taken self-defense lessons, but I’m not entirely sure I’m not going to freeze up if I ever have to use them.

The guy’s eyes go round, and he steps back, holding his hands up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

The elevator arrives, and he steps in. He puts his hand on the door to stop it from closing. I’m panting as if I just stopped running, and my hand is still on my chest. “Are you getting on?”

I look behind me at the dark parking garage and then to the man in front of me holding the door. He has a briefcase in one hand and a suit on; no doubt he works in the building. “Uh, yeah, I’m getting on. Sorry about that.”

I step onto the elevator and notice the man is giving me as much room as possible in the little space we have. I’m sure he thinks I’m crazy. How could he not? He pushes the button, and I notice he’s going to the same floor I am.

I’m so embarrassed. What is wrong with me?

The whole ride up, I’m trying to figure out what to say to the man to try and explain my behavior, but I can’t think ofanything. When the elevator dings and the door comes up, I rush out and stop at the reception desk. “Hi. I’m Kali Foster. I have an interview for the social worker position.”

“Please have a seat. They’ll call you when they’re ready.”

I nod and go sit down and then realize the man from the elevator is here to interview for the same position. I do my best to give myself a little pep talk. Just because I had a bad dream doesn’t mean I have to let it affect my whole day. I can still salvage what’s left of it.