Page 9 of Eat Me

Elijah gives a hum as he looks at me with his cold green eyes, letting me sit here for a few seconds in silence, “We have picked the woman like our cousins have…and failed many times to find someone who can pass all the tests.” He starts as he takes a deep breath.

“Failure after failure after failure our grandfather decided to step up. My brothers and I will share the responsibilities of being head of the family….us having a wife and continuing the family line is needed.” He glances over to his brothers briefly before continuing.

“Our grandfather felt he could find a better pick since we haven't been able to find anyone in the last seven times we have had this testing.” Elijah takes a deep breath as Owen takes over.

“Each time there are usually five girls chosen…and tests are given to see how they will work in the family.” He gives me a sharp grin, eyes taking on a dark look.

“You're lucky number six this time. Our cousins picked the other five. They can also choose you if in the end we don’t think you are a fit for us.” A shiver travels up my spine at his words.

“So, you better do these tests to the best of your ability.” Elijah says, his words sharp as he dares me not to do well. I feel like my life would be on the line if I don’t try to do well. Though, I’m not sure what they do to the ones they fail.

“What happens to the ones that fail?” I ask, but not really knowing if I really want to know the answer. I have a gut feeling that the ones who have failed are no longer alive and from the smirks around the room, I think I’m right.

“Don’t fail and you won’t find out.” Jasper mutters, causing my eyes to snap to him. The other two haven’t said a word since introductions. I decide that keeping my mouth shut at that comment is my best course of action, even with Elijah giving an almost mocking smirk.

Chapter Eight


Ilaid on the cold ground, my eyes unfocusing as I had cried as soon as the four men left. My emotions that I had managed to push back, broke as soon as they were gone and I kept myself as quiet as possible. I didn’t want any of them knowing I’d broke down. I won’t allow it to happen again.

I could hear the other girls scream and yell more than once during the evening…if it was evening. It's hard to tell when you're in a box with no sunlight or light besides fluorescents. Blinking my eyes once again, I let the last of my tears fall down my cheeks. I'm exhausted, both mentally and physically. I have no idea how long I have before the testing they mentioned starts.

Closing my eyes, I will myself to try and sleep. I know I’m going to need it. From how they spoke of the tests and how many have failed…they aren’t going to be easy. I'm going to survive this and hopefully find a way out. I'll take it day by day,but I need to know my surroundings and what these people are capable of.

I’m not sure when I fell asleep or how long I’ve been asleep, but a loud bang on my door wakes me up. Snapping awake and bolting up right, I keep my eyes on the door.

“Rise and shine girls! The day is wasting away!” I hear yelled as another bang rings out this time from a different door. I let out a small groan as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. I feel more tired than I did when I fell asleep. Running a hand through my hair, trying to get it tamed a bit is a hopeless endeavor. It's still a mess and I can feel the knots already forming as they catch my fingers.

I move so my back is against the wall again, this way my eyes can be on the door when it opens. I could already feel the dread in me as I try to keep myself calm. I'm already emotionally overwhelmed with everything going on and I know I’ve somewhat been dissociating…but it’s definitely better than freaking out. I don’t think that would go over well.

I'm ripped out of my inner thoughts by the sound of the door opening, my eyes snapping to the one who opens it. There in the doorway stands Elijah, a smirk of a smile on his lips as he gazes down at me.

“Morning Darling. Time to get up, we have a long day ahead of us.” I narrow my eyes at him, but slowly stand up, my body's stiff from the cold hard ground I'd slept on. My muscles are screaming at me as I resist the urge to try and crack my back. I will deal with the mild twinge of pain if it means not showing weakness to him.

“Us?” Did that mean we’re going to be spending all day with them? I remember him talking about a series of tests. Does that mean they're going to be with us when we take them, instead of just observing?

He gives a small chuckle as he pushes off the doorway and motions for me to exit the room before him. I shiver as I pass him, he's close enough that I can feel his body heat as I brush past him to stand in the hallway. The other girls from before are standing near their doors, a male standing near each of them. Some of them are crying as they hug themselves, some of them have glares on their faces as they look around with narrow eyes.

“Well, I guess I should have said you, sorry darling.” His eyes twinkle as he gives me another small smirk of a smile before moving to stand at the end of the hall. His steps are long and assured, it's easy to tell he holds a lot of power in this...whatever this is. He's practically oozing confidence and power as he gazes down the hall at us, a friendly smile on his lips. If I didn’t know any better, I’d describe him as attractive and charismatic, but being kidnapped and held in a cell by him and his family shatters any and all illusions.

“Good morning ladies, I hope you all slept well.” Elijah pauses, but we knew better than to try and answer him. He smiles, his eyes showing mirth at this, I wonder how many others in the past had actually answered him and what the consequences had been. Obviously, they had to have been drastic if they're still kidnapping women for this sick and twisted game of theirs.

“As you all recall you’re here for a reason and in order for you to be worthy of that reason you’re going to have to pass a couple of tests. Today begins those tests. So, as they say, may the odds be ever in your favor.” He cracks a grin at his own joke, ignoring the dark looks tossed his way by everyone else in the hall.

Speech over he nods at the other males in the hallway and instantly they pull out black bags and shoved them over the heads of the females they're standing by. I jerk as someone grabs my arms from behind, I hadn’t even noticed anyone approaching me from behind. I had been too focused on the speech, as had all the other girls.

Gritting my teeth and jerking my head back, it slams into a broad shoulder making the man who’s holding me grunt and shift his weight as he harshly grabs both of my wrists and pins them behind my back. His other hand is trying to slip the black bag over my head.

I glare at Elijah as he watches it all unfold, the screaming and crying of the other woman echoing in the hallway. I hold his gaze as the bag is roughly pulled down over my face. Task done, the male behind me begins to tie my wrists together, the rough rope digging into my wrists as he makes sure the knot won’t slip.

Closing my eyes behind the black hood, willing my breathing to calm down, there's no use in screaming and crying. It'll just make it harder to breathe now that I have this damn hood over my head.

“You’re a feisty little one aren’t you princess?” I shiver as I feel the hot breath of the man behind me through the hood. He chuckles at me, making me huff in anger, but I hold my tongue as some of the other girls keep screaming and crying.

“Stop! Please! What are you doing?!”

“Let me go you fucking psychos!”