Page 5 of Eat Me

Staring into his watery and bloodshot eyes, without any prompting, my body jumps into action. My left leg pulls back and slams forward into his face. The crunching sound that flows from under my shoe is almost deafening. The sudden silence lasts for a second before he begins to scream and yell curses at me. His hands come to cup his broken nose, blood gushing into 9

“Shut the bitch up! She’s trying to give out details!”

Gritting my teeth at the sound of his hoarse voice, he’s not some stupid crook. He’s smart enough to know that by me yelling out not only the sex of my attackers but the fact that it’s more than one, anyone nearby that’s too scared to intervene, will at least know some details to give to the cops later.

As I’m tackled from behind, a yelp escapes me. My body flies forward and the only reason I’m able to brace my fall is that there’s a wall in front of me. My forearms are throbbing from impacting the wall, but at least it wasn’t my face. My forearmsare now bleeding from the scratches and tears to my skin. The pain is intense and my vision is beginning to fade in and out.

I quickly snap back to my senses as a hand is placed over my mouth. The same hand damn near covers my nose, which most likely would have ended up suffocating me.

“You better calm your little ass down, we were told not to rough you up too badly, but I’m sure they'd rather you be battered and bruised than no longer alive.”

I freeze as his foul breath washes over me. He’s panting in my ear, and he tries to regain his breath. He’s completely disgusting. Smell or no smell, I’m not about to give in. Whoever sent them wants me alive, so that would most definitely work in my favor.

Swallowing the mouth full of saliva that’s about to make me choke, I ready myself to throw my head back and hopefully bash my assailant's nose in. I’ve read about it, I’ve seen it done in movies and on tv so many times I know it will work. It has to.

As I throw my head back, expecting to feel pain as the back of my head slams into his nose making it shatter and blood gush out. I gasp when he moves his head to the side, making me hit his shoulder. The painful throbbing it causes my neck doesn’t keep me from moving from that position as quickly as possible. I’m not giving him the chance to force me to stay in the position.

“Think you’re so smart huh? This ain’t our first rodeo, now shut up and give up. It’ll save us a lot of time...and you a lot of pain.”

The words feel slimy, grimy, dirty and greasy. It makes something deep inside of me stir awake. Pure unadulterated fear floods my veins, this is it. That is my fight or flight instinct, if I don’t do something now, It’s over. The hand once again over my mouth, gives me an idea.

The rich taste of iron fills my mouth as my teeth dig even deeper into it’s flesh. The blood is warm and freely flows into my mouth, filling every nook and cranny before overflowing todripping down my chin. It made me gag, yet I was able to fight the urge to puke and even bit down harder.

“Get her the fuck off of me!”

I bite down harder as he tries to dislodge me, when I feel a fist slamming into my head. My ears begin to ring as pain assaults me, I use the pain to bite down even harder. My body jerks as he flails about, the blows to my head growing in number but they’re losing power. With one last powerful jerk, I'm tossed to the side, and my teeth take a small chunk of his flesh with them.

I'm quick to spit it out, gagging as I try to get the taste of his blood out of my mouth. My vision is blurry, it keeps fading in and out, as well as my ears are ringing. I feel like the world is spinning as I lay here confused and close to puking.

“God damnit, she’s just a chick, do I gotta do everything?”

Flinching at the loud voice, but in the next second my body starts convulsing as I feel volts of electricity surging through me. The owner of the voice chuckles as my body slumps to the ground as it goes limp, my muscles sore from locking up while being tased. Laying here, my brain seems to be stuck on stupid, using every ounce of energy I have just to remember how to breathe.

I feel weirdly calm as my chest is heaving up and down. Looking up at the stars peeking through the clouds, I realize they look like diamonds through my watery eyes. Have they always been this bright and breathtaking?

“I told you to be careful with her.”

My vision’s blurry, but I recognize that voice.Viktor?Another groan escapes me as I feel pain go through me as the taser hits my skin again.

“She better be worth all this goddamn trouble...” His voice seems to echo as if it’s far away. I could hear Viktor talking, but I can’t understand his words anymore. It hurts to keep trying to open my eyes.I just need to let them rest, just for a bit...

Chapter Five


Waking up with my head pounding and blurry vision, I take a deep breath to ease my head, which in turn eases my vision. My vision slowly adjusts to the low lighting around me. Slowly sitting up, I take in my surroundings. Why the hell am I in a cell?

Looking around the room, there’s nothing in here except the cot I’m sitting on. The walls are gray cement, but the roof is made of bars. I’m guessing it’s for air ventilation or to hear everything that’s going on. The only thing it serves to do is make me worry even more. How is it that this setup already exists? What does he want with me and why did he say those words?

“Why…” I mutter quietly to myself, leaning against the wall and bringing my knees to my chest. My eyes drifted to my arm and hand, a puzzled look coming to my face.

“They cleaned me up…” I mutter quietly to myself as I curl in on myself. The injuries I got when fighting to get away, were allwrapped up nicely. That’s a bit fucked up. So they don’t want me dead right away, that’s good. Though I don’t know what they could want. A hundred thoughts a minute going through my head, and different reasons why this is happening.

Why did this happen to me? I'm not that interesting. I don’t have much. No family to really call my own. I'm not worth much in the grand scheme of things. No one would pay a ransom for me. Maybe they just want someone to murder? Could I be dealing with something along those lines?

I'm attempting to shake all these thoughts as they kept getting darker and darker. I don't need to go down that road right now. I need to stay calm and figure out any details I can. I didn't have much in this…