“As I said, she was in a bit of shock. She mostly zoned out. Didn’t scream or fight with me, though once she snapped out of it, she did have a bit of an attitude.” I shrug at this. It’s expected for her to fight back. It always happens. If she didn’t then that would make things less fun.
“Hmm good,” rolling my eyes at his words, I know it’s more than good.
“Is it one or both of you going to see her?” Raising an eyebrow at two of my brothers. I’d like to be a fly on the wall if both of them go. She’s already wound up, this could make her lash out.
“Owen can go. I need to help with the next set up.” I can hear the clear disappointment in Elijah’s voice though.
“Your loss.” I hum out, giving him one last glance as he rolls his eyes at me. Today is definitely an interesting day. This time it seemed like we may have found the one. Grandfather did pick right it seems.
“Are we doing the normal tests or are we going to switch things around?” Marcus does have a point, Elijah’s already doing things he doesn’t normally do. The option of changing things around is a possibility.
For now, things are going the same. We may adjust things for Victoria as we go though.” Elijah tells us and I am wondering what the adjustments could be, if we needed to, it’s sometimes hard to get into Elijah’s head.
“Sounds like we’ll be on our toes then,” I mutter while shifting into a better position. I hear the others laugh at my words, but they were true.
“For now, we’ll get things set up. Owen can go check on Victoria and assess her wounds” Elijah glances at me begrudgingly before he shakes his head at the word ‘wounds.’ I kept silent as I watch Owen and Elijah leave, making a small smirk come to my face. I do wonder how our bird will deal with the second test. It’s definitely going to be something to watch.
Chapter Fourteen
I’m exhausted and I just want to cry myself to sleep. Taking a deep breath, closing my eyes and leaning against the cold wall, my body screams as I’m trying to hold everything in. I know that sooner or later I’m going to have a total breakdown. Who wouldn’t in this situation?
To keep myself sane and not allow a breakdown of any sort, I mumble my new mantra, “Just keep it together. Just keep it together.”
Taking a deep breath and staying in my spot, I curl up, trying to stay out of the dark thoughts which are currently filling my head. I’m not sure how long I was in the same position when I heard the lock and metal door opening. Keeping my eyes closed, I knew it’s one of those four men, it always is. Keeping my mouth shut as I hear someone clearing their throat, I slowly open my eyes.
Sighing and focusing on Owen and his creepy smile, “What do you want?”
Walking over to where I’m curled up, “I hear you need patched up.” Sitting down next to me, he sets a small box next to him. Looking me over before zoning in on the spot where Jasper had bit me and blood was soaking through my shirt. It’s not like I could hide the injury from him.
“I wonder who you heard that from,” I mutter. The smirk growing on his face and chuckle tell me I didn’t say it soft enough. These men were all crazy. Psychotic! How the hell am I supposed to survive this or them?
“Jasper’s known to be the most impulsive one out of the four of us.” I hear his words as I watch his hand move my shirt so he can see the bite mark on my shoulder. He releases a disapproving sound before letting his hand fall and move to the small box he brought. Opening it, I can finally see that it’s a first aid kit.
“Impulsive… Seriously? Impulsive, is that what you call it?” I mutter as I watch him bring out a small water bottle and some gauze. Opening the water bottle and getting the gauze wet, I know it needs to be cleaned but the temptation to tell him to fuck off and let the wound be is tempting.
Owen moves the side of my shirt while cleaning the blood off making a small ‘tsking’ sound when it wouldn’t stop bleeding. Keeping the gauze on the wound, he reaches for his med kit, and sighs.
“Hold that for a few minutes while I get a bandage and some medicine ready.” I did as he said, not wanting his hands on me. Staying silent, my eyes track every finger twitch as he works.
“You are being quiet… what is on your mind?” Owen says softly, as he put some Neosporin on some gauze, and rips four pieces of medical tape, setting them on his arm. He gently reaches forward, moving my hand to the side, he places the newgauze on my wound, and slowly puts the tape in place. I can feel the pressure as he put on the tape making sure it would stay. Though if you ask me his touch lingered too long before moving my shirt back to its original spot.
“I’m tired, so I don’t have a lot to say right now,” I tell him. It's more I don’t have anything I want to say to him that might lead to me getting in trouble. I have plenty of words I could call these people…but that wouldn’t help my situation. It would probably just get these guys mad at me and I didn’t know if that's a good thing for me right now.
I hear Owen release a hum as he’s closing the first aid box. His eyes flash to mine, as he leans forward, “You know I can tell when someone is lying to me pretty easily. Now would you like to try again, ‘Sweetheart’?”
I feel a shiver travel down my spine at his cold tone and the use of the nickname he started calling me. Shifting in my seat, I watch the man before me with apprehension. “I don’t have anything nice to say, so I’ll stay silent,” I say, which was the truth. I have a feeling cursing him out and screaming would make him give me a disappointed look or maybe something worse, like angry enough to go ahead and kill me.
Owen pulls back standing up while releasing a sigh, “I guess that’s true enough. I don’t feel like dealing with a temper tantrum either.” I can feel my lip curl at his words.
“Temper tantrum…” I mutter, my eyes narrowing. The bite in my voice is definitely heard as he stands up, dusting his pants off from sitting on the ground with me. He looks down at me with a raised eyebrow.
“What else would you call something like screaming and cursing or even attacking someone. Those are temper tantrums. I have dealt with one too many around here.” He says and I can hear the distaste in his voice. I don’t have a response either, so I look up at him with a blank look, not impressed in the slightest.
I swear all these people have a few screws loose. Forcing myself to take a deep breath, and to suppress the words that are on the tip of my tongue is difficult, but I need to hold it in. I don’t want to say something that will get me in more trouble later. I didn’t need that right now.
“Thank you for patching me up,” I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. The look he gives me says I didn’t succeed.