Page 26 of Vibing Unity

“I will see it done, Your Highness,” she accepted.

“Expand the bakery however is needed. A bigger facility and storefront for wherever we do this, and let’s have some fresh produce always available from the royal groves or whatever,” I continued. “That should be a good compromise. Whatever correlates with what the bakery’s seasonal options are. Yes, we can temporarily hire whatever bakers are available.

“But let’s also make sure we’re training people to take over. So put out the word in Faerie that we’re looking for apprentices who would like to learn the craft and get into the trade. Even if they don’t stay with us, that’s useful education they can take back to Faerie.Andlet’s get some input on items customers would like the bakery to carry after the success of the quiche.”

“Well done, Princess,” one of the commanders praised, everyone nodding in approval.

We talked over the rest and everything was about to wrap up on nothing but positive vibes, but of course someone had to ruin it.

“Now maybe you will tell us whatever Iolas is handling by himself that is bringing in vast funds for the realm instead of hiding it, Your Highness?” one of the commanders who stillwasn’t getting with the program and I hoped retired once things settled demanded.

“No,” I chuckled darkly, staring down the asshole. I snickered when he couldn’t hide his surprise. “Commander, I don’t let people bully me. You could have asked me a dozen different times, but you brought it up in this huge settinglivefor all of Faerie to see. Most would consider that trying to embarrass the leader of Faerie.”

“Others of us consider it insubordination and grounds to be demoted,” Onas bit out. “The princess does not answer to us, and while we have all made that misstep given what we woke to, the rest of us have corrected our behavior.”

I held up my hand to Onas and kept the other commander’s gaze. “Others do know what is going on. Commander Taeral…” I frowned when the man flinched and glanced at Neldor. “I thought you were telling him.”

“No, I was under the impression that—you didn’t tell me specifically,” Neldor replied.

I smiled at him. “If I tell my godsfather, you get to tell yours. Unless I say otherwise. That’s fair.”

“Yes, clearly, it’s something shady and you’re not the asshole here,” Talila drawled. “Are you new to a monarchy and we’re told everything? Even democracies don’t tell everyone everything. The princess is generating income for Faerie. Yes, we should demand answers instead of simply thanking her.”

I tried to hide my shock that she was defending me like that, but maybe I really had fully converted the woman to my team. “Plus, others had figured out the timing, so I’m sorry you’re not as astute as your colleagues, Commander.” I smirked at the guy when he frowned. “Shael, Onas, Talila, and a few others asked if the gods gave me another way to generate income.

“It started immediately after that meeting where I admitted the gods gave me visions and part of what happened was gettinga few at once. Yes, a god gave me a way to generate more income for Faerie that doesn’t fool or trick humans. However, given there is too much sentiment in Faerie still that I belong to the people and live for them, I’m uncomfortable sharing what it is.”

I felt better when several people snorted.

And Neldor looked ready to rip the commander’s head off.

That commander might have wanted to say more, but he saw that he didn’t have any allies on this and backed down. He dipped his head to me and apologized. He was simply concerned and wanted to make sure I was fine.

Yeah, sure, buddy.

I noticed that Neldor and Iolas both moved towards that commander once people were leaving and the cameras were off.

But Hudson got to him first, throwing out his arm and blocking the path of the fairy. “I’m glad to hear that you’re getting together your retirement papers to be submitted before my mate becomes queen because I’m increasingly uncomfortable with you being allowed in her castle, and that will become her home after she’s queen.”

“I’ve said no such thing, Prince Hudson,” he argued.

“No, youhave,” he chuffed. “This isn’t the first time you’ve pulled shit like this. There is a way to politely question what is going on or even object to the path of her government. Commander Talila does a lot. Onas. Even Shael. You undermine your boss and try to embarrass her, and this time it was on a live broadcast in front of all of Faerie. It was clear you’re retiring.”

“Agreed,” Iolas and Neldor said together, Iolas continuing. “After the princess has awoken all fairies besides the previous queens. That gives us a good month to start transferring your duties and getting more people under us to shoulder the load.”

Neldor snorted. “What load? He always objects to the plans and just helps during emergencies. Other commanders are constantly killing themselves or taking on too much—Onasalmost completely broke himself. But you don’t seem to ever have a project. Yes, we need people to step in and make the gears turn and the machine work, but you work against everything mostly.”

“Agreed,” Stefanie, Onas, Taeral, and Talila said together.

Which said a lot since he was a dark fairy.

He looked like he might argue but did a double take when he saw I was standing there… And I was clearly listening to his thoughts.

I snickered when he swore in his mind. “I’ve always known this, Commander. It’s not a shock that you continue to hate I’ll run the dark realm, but you still worked for what was best for Faerie. Undermining melivelike that scares people, and we’re still in crisis. So I can’t force you to retire, but if my mate says you’re a danger, it’s more than your thoughts.

“And I trust him completely, so you’re banned from my castle and any residence of mine. You are not to be in charge of my detail or in contact with them. As of this moment, you’re being frozen out from everything other than your immediate assignment. And if you pull a stunt like this again today, I’m demoting you.”

“Accept it because we both know my mother would have done worse,” Neldor warned. “Myfatherwould have had a much different conversation with you, so be grateful Hudson handled it well and I’m not mated to our future queen.”