“Let’s leave the OnlyFans for another meeting and keep the clothes on for now.” I glanced at Juan. “We can also glamour costumes and outfits, so let’s start with some people on market research on what does the best. Also, hire a few photographers who can teach our people how to set up the right shots and poses.”
“The only drawback I could think of is that fairies generally all have long hair and that’s not the trend with human males,” Lucca interjected, bringing up a good point like always.
We moved on, and the comfort blankets with magic were selling out at the higher numbers. It was decided to keep that the same level and not expand any more so the market wasn’t just flooded and it became a fad. Companies died hard from overexpanding when the trend was good and not getting a better foundation for the long haul.
The sorbet expansions were all doing well. The contracts with the colleges were in place and the first of them had done well. The rollout with the options for humans had done well and were a big hit fast. That was surprising how recently it happened, but apparently there was some magic transferred given it was made by fairies and hobgoblins.
Marisol—my human friend—and her family all assured us that it just made them feel good like an energy drink but without the caffeine. Our healers were monitoring the situation, but Marisol’s aunt now had lower cholesterol. That could be from eating more fruit though, right?
So nothing negative but maybe good for humans.
But more wanted it, and a big chain wanted to carry it, so we would need to expand for that. We could and would because themoney made from that was ridiculous. Like ridiculous given how easy it was to grow more fruit and harvest with magic.
Oh, and our biologists were doing well fixing the banana situation with the fungus or whatever.
The numbers being brought in from the auctions of our butchered animals were great too.Plus, the new farmers markets were sold out. They were insanely popular with supes gushing all over our social media. People were pushing to do three times a week with more vendors.
I put a pin in that and wanted more of the updates first.
The bakery expansion was great and the quiches were always sold out. It was time to open another location, and bakers from Faerie who couldn’t open their own shops yet were willing to help out and get the production numbers up.
The clothing companies were also doing great. All of them. The co-op and deal with Lady Jean. More were needed to help. That was the factor holding them back.
Even the rug cleaning company was thriving. The YouTube channel was making revenue even if people were annoyed that our videos were stolen and used as backgrounds for those AITA Reddit videos. I didn’t care so much about that, but what came next. We had fairies scouring landfills and dumps for rugs, cleaning them, and reselling them for good money.
It was all great news which was fantastic… But overwhelming.
“I’m sorry to interject, Your Highness, but we’ve been going for two hours now,” Lucca interrupted when someone stood to give another update. “This is a good time for a break, to let people use the restrooms, and clean up their area. I could use another drink, and I heard they were wondering if they should bring in second lunch.”
I glanced at the clock and nodded. “Yes, that’s perfect. Let’s say fifteen minutes and then we can come back fresh on the topic.”
And hopefully, my head wouldn’t explode from it all.
Lucca was there next to me the moment people started standing and held out his hand to me. I let him help me up, but then he winked at me and hit something on his phone.
“Take a break, Tams,” he said quietly when I went to object. Rita Ora’s “Let Me Love You” came through the speakers and I chuckled. Only Lucca could get me to dance in a meeting this damn serious.
He pulled me away from others and spun me again and again until I was almost dizzy. Then it was a big bear hug that we swayed during. It worked for me and I needed it.
“You’re doing great, cream puff. My brain was leaking out my ears and I’m not the one handling it all. Hell, I’m impressed with Juan expanding this much and building it higher in such a short time.”
“Yeah, he was the right choice,” I agreed. I took his phone when the song was done and put on Meghan Trainor’s “Better When I’m Dancin’.”
I bounced over to Izzy and Ara and smiled when they joined in. We even got Shael and a bunch of the captains to take a dance break with us. I blew kisses to my bear as he watched since this wasn’t his type of dancing.
I also made sure to wiggle my butt at him a few times too.
Then we all started chuckling as we did a conga line.
I used the washroom then and grabbed a few more drinks, thanking the helpers who loaded my area with more food. I smiled when I saw some people still stretching and dancing. I made sure to give Lucca a kiss and thank him.
It also cleared my head, so when we got back to it, I knew what I wanted.
“We do twice a week for the farmers market—for now—but not more vendors. We planned security and the hours based on that many,” I said firmly to the noble in charge. “We also need to remember Faerie comes first to feed and this is extra. Also, we can extend to do a night or day switch on those days for those who cannot come during the normal times because of work.”