“No, I don’t,” I admitted, sounding confused to my own ears. “Sorry.” I blinked back tears before teleporting away. I had wanted such a nice night, and I was messing it all up.
Like always.
I retrieved my stuff and my phone before going to my room. I texted Julian that I needed him and more food.
He said he had already received a text from Hudson, and if I gave him ten minutes to finish up what he was working on, then he was all mine. And he was starving too, so whatever I wanted was great.
I just wasn’t sure what I was in the mood for I was so turned all around. Julian loved Chinese food though, and there was a place that Taeral said he was going to take Katrina too because she loved family-owned places. This wasn’t a greasy little hole-in-the-wall, but a good quality place with some fusion flare, and the reviews were legit.
I asked Ara and of course she knew. She said she’d handle it, and I hurried to get ready.
It was after the dinner rush on the East Coast, but the kitchen would still be busy with delivery and take-out orders, so they wouldn’t care much about their dining room. I sat in a booth waiting for Julian while my security and some other Guardians took other tables. It was pretty standard now just to have more bodies when I ate out like that.
It wasn’t even to be nosy or jerks. It was just more protection and deterrence from supes who might be rude even if theycouldn’t see me with the glamour. They had figured out my detail, and when a bunch of powerful fairies gathered, it was normally to guard me.
Maybe supes weren’t always idiots. Well, the Underground wasn’t, and I’d come up against other monsters that were too smart.
Hopefully, that was in the past. Or at least the amount of them was.
That sounded nice.
Julian showed up about five minutes later with his Faerie Guardian detail and the first round of dumplings were already being brought out. Because that was the specialty of this place. All kinds of dumplings and not just Chinese.
Yes. Please.
“Hi, my sweet mate,” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “For the record, Hudson already figured out what he did wrong, so clearly you’re not being petty.”
I felt worlds better hearing that. “I do feel like I’m blowing it up. Or maybe I’m worriedaboutblowing it up. I just…” I blinked back tears, shocked I was crying. It really wasn’t that big of a fucking deal.
He smiled as he slid in the booth across from me. “Tams, you’re not the only one who has felt this or feels this. Shit, I was drowning in this feeling—do you remember the first time we got back together? I felt this all of the time. That I would blow anything up and not be able to handle it.
“I know you hated that I agreed with everything you wanted like a Stepford Boyfriend, but it was because of this feeling. That we had so much going on and everything was—I didn’t want to blow anything up. I didn’t want to make it worse and be the reason we had issues. I didn’t want to be the reason youhurtagain.”
Yes, but that was actually valid since it had been his fault. He nodded that he knew that without me saying it.
More food came, and then it was time to finally say what was going on with me out loud.
“I think I need Hudson not to invite anyone to our intimate times. Even you guys, especially Neldor,” I whispered. “He has before and it’s been fine, but there isstillshit with Dalyor, and after today—it still stings. I know that’s not who he is and he went off the path, but… My mate tried to fix me by bringing another man to our bed.”
“He did. He was a complete duffer, and that’s not a wound that heals fast. He even realized that and said it had to do with Dalyor still wanting you. He thought he handled it well today—hoped he did, and you seemed happy how he handled it.”
“I was,” I agreed before stuffing a whole dumpling in my mouth. “We were the team. We were a tight team on the same page. And I wanted to enjoy that and love on my stupid, stupid dragon. And then he just added Neldor. He’s going to direct. And after how Neldor—I just didn’t want to. And I felt—”
“Hey, how you felt was valid, Tams,” he promised. “Totally valid. Full stop. This is a sensitive topic and boundary for you until this issue heals better. Totally fair to say. There’s no reason for it to blow up at all.”
“No but. None at all.”
I nodded. “In addition?” I stuffed another dumpling in my mouth when he didn’t answer and moved one onto his plate. They were too good for him not to have at least one to try.