I felt better when they all agreed and seemed to think this was being done behind my back. Okay, well, that was too adorable, but they still couldn’t just throw fits.
“And you’re worried about how you’ll handle having nippers,” Julian whispered when it was all over. “You will be an amazing mother one day, my sweet mate. Please stop doubting that because the rest of us never do.”
I felt my face flush, and I gave him a quick kiss before moving over to Shael who showed me what to do. It was fairly quick because of how powerful I was, but then I decided to help with the flowers for the decorations. Julian had everything gorgeous and perfect.
There were a few flower arches and areas set up with fancy fabric draped that would block the sun for pictures or where people could sit in the shade. It was all exactly what I would have wanted in gorgeous earth tones and low-key with lights. Nothing extravagant and elegant.
We were ready for dinner and to have an easy night before the ceremony… But silly us.
“Time for the bachelor party,” Professor Nelson greeted when we arrived home. “And you have your own party to get to, Princess.”
Fuck. Justfuckkkkkk.
And double fuck when I saw my dad with an evil glint in his eyes.
I waggled my finger at the two of them. “If you get him piss drunk and he’s hungover for our wedding, there won’tbe one, and you won’t be invited if we ever reschedule. I will only elope and make it clear it’s all your fault and let people beat you. Even if you’re a demigod.”
And Nelson wasn’t.
“Damn, Tams,” Julian chuckled, leaning in and kissing my cheek. “But I agree. I want to go to bed early, so let’s have a calm night and…” He trailed off when a few of the male commanders chuckled. He gave Nelson a death look. “If you got strippers when I’m marrying the future Queen of Faerie, I will fucking gut you, you git.”
I ran my tongue over my teeth. I wouldn’t be happy about that either, but I also wouldn’t get in the way. That was totally normal, and I would be fine with it. “You touch one and you’re dead.”
He shot me a look like I didn’t need to say that and had insulted him.
“Sorry,” I mumbled. I sighed when that didn’t seem enough. “I was looking forward to a quiet night for just us with enough Chinese food for an NFL team and getting the thank-you cards organized that we’ll have to write. Not you getting dragged off to see naked women.”
“Just for a bit and it’s not a raunchy place,” Nelson promised. “He’s never been.” He gave me a look to suck it up.
“I didn’t say anything, but you’re an asshole for springing it on him and with my father attending,” I said between clenched teeth. I did a double take when I saw Julian was carefully not looking at me.
I gave him a kiss and made him look at me. “Go. It’s really fine.” I shrugged when he seemed hesitant. “I’ve gone to lots ofstrip clubs for men and women. Go.” I nodded it was really fine. “I know porn stars, remember?”
He let himself be dragged off after I promised him several more times that it was fine.
I noticed that Hudson, Lucca, and Neldor all handed money over to Darby. I simply raised an eyebrow and Darby gave me a wink.
They had a bet about this?
Okay, that was too funny.
“You get anyone else?” I asked Darby.
“Oh yeah,agra,” he chuckled. “All the commanders and captains joining us. They said no way with how jealous you are with Julian.”
“I’m jealous with all of you, but people constantly offer to be his baby momma, and I dealt with a lot when he was a professor,” I drawled, leaning in and kissing his cheek. “Go have fun and please make sure my father doesn’t do anything.”
“I heard that,” Lageos drawled.
“I wasn’t trying to be quiet,” I threw right back, amusing the guys who were now excited. I turned to Izzy once they were all gone. “I’m assuming I have something waiting as well?”
“Yes, but I know exactly what you wanted for tonight, and I’m the bestest friend you could ever ask for,” she said before giving me a huge hug.
Yeah, she really was.
We went to the huge party room at Natalie’s business and all of our friends were there waiting. Izzy had hired mobile nail techs so everyone who hadn’t had time for manicures and pedicures could get them. There was tons of food, and people were ready to help me get the thank-you cards all organized.