The “fun” was the cake decorating setup that we would get to play with and even cupcakes that the guys would get to haveonce they arrived at the Vogel’s castle where they were staying for the night.
Izzy killed it. It was exactly what I would want for my bachelorette party. Booze and fun but nothing over the top. No guys or strippers. It was just chill and a bit productive but in a fun way.
I thanked her several times.
Mel was there with Avril and Ellen which surprised me. She said she could go, but I didn’t want her to. I was glad she wasn’t uncomfortable and knew she would be welcome.
She was one of the reasons Julian and I had gotten together and made it after all.
Everyone seemed to have fun and I did get to bed by like ten. Others went for a bit longer, but no one objected or gave me shit for heading out.
I did pout a bit that I went to bed alone. Tradition be damned. I had five men in my life. I shouldn’t sleep alone… Ever.
The next morning, I woke up and it was the flurry of getting ready and some Faerie business that got in the way. But that was to be expected to some point.
I received updates about all of the food being picked up and no problems getting it all set out for the Guardians. Again, I was so happy that mygiftwas taking up so much of my time, attention, and money.
I felt like I blinked and all that was left was getting married.
To a man I loved.
I was a lucky, lucky woman.
“We forgot the wedding photos,” I groaned when we arrived at the house in Utah after we dealt with Mary.
Julian frowned. “We had a photographer taking pictures. I saw he got our first kiss and the dances.”
“No—yeah, we did that, but we didn’t do all of the poses. Pictures with my dad and Izzy and stuff. We had sex instead.” I frowned. Or would we have done them after?
“We’ll get dressed up again,” he hurried to say. “I know some cultures do them months in advance. So what? We did it a week after. Izzy will love the chance to wear that pretty dress again.”
Good point. Yeah, he was right with that.
“You okay?” I checked as he glanced at his phone.
He didn’t ignore it or brush me off, still focused on his phone. “I think I need to hear that she’s packed up and moved before I feel it’s over. It doesn’t feel over yet.” He sighed heavily. “Maybe we shouldn’t have done this today. Or done it yesterday?”
“Sorry,” I whispered, feeling horrible that I’d ruined our wedding.
His head snapped up and he frowned. “I wasn’t blaming you. I thought to do this after we married and before—there’s no right answer on these things.” He slipped his phone in his pocket and moved towards me, cupping my cheek when he reached me. “Wemade this decision together. I just—it was easy to know this was the right choice, but it’s…”
“Yeah, it is,” I agreed, not really sure but willing to agree when he was obviously conflicted. “How about you help me out of this dress and we take a soak? Just have a glass of wine and enjoy the cold night and the hot tub?”
He frowned. “That wasn’t the plan to start our honeymoon.”
I moved my hand over his and leaned in and kissed him. “The plan is whatever we say it is, my darling hubby. Let’s just decompress for a bit and let this settle. We have our whole honeymoon to ravage each other and show you the lingerie I bought.”
He closed his eyes and groaned before kissing me. “Yeah, a soak, but now I want to see that lingerie.”
Good. That was what I was hoping to manage.
He went to use the bathroom and I quickly teleported to Wyn who was outside on my detail. I hissed at him to get help and get Mary packed up and to her new place and report the moment it was done because if she fucked up my wedding night, I might kill her and make a mess.
To say my security was shocked was an understatement, but I didn’t give them a chance to respond, teleporting to the master bedroom and acting like I hadn’t just done what I had.
It wasn’t completely selfish. I did want this for Julian more than myself.