"Have you seen Lillian yet this morning?"
Panic sets in as I realize that he might have caught my scent, and I become frozen in place. It’s an odd question for someone who says I have been with them all week.
"No, I'm afraid I haven't. I thought she was with you all and planning her upcoming mating ceremony,” Grandmother says calmly.
"Oh, she is. I just hadn't seen her smiling face this morning yet. It probably wore her out last night with all the planning, and she's still asleep. I’ll have Corbin wake her when I get back.”
Planning? Ha. I almost let out a snort out loud, but clamp a hand firmly over my mouth.
Suddenly, my Grandmother's voice chimes in, breaking the silence. "Well, tell her I love her and tell your wife thank you for these muffins. I enjoy a good blueberry muffin from time to time."
There’s a thud as he heads to the door and it creaks as he swings it open."You take care now. I'll send your dinner soon and take it easy."
"Will do. Have a wonderful day."
Everything is silent for a few minutes before I emerge from my hiding place. Grandmother finally calls out for me a second after I start moving.
I make my way into the living room at a slow pace and as soon as I’m in her line of sight, we both sigh a breath of relief.
“It’s going to be okay. Let’s sit down and eat the muffins.”
“Grandmother, you know he knows I’m here. He smelled me.” I slowly head to the dining room table and plop down in one of the wooden chairs. “He was trying to see if you’d lie for me.”
"So, what if he did? He knows better than to charge in here and think he rules this roost. I will show him a thing or two." She shakes her head as she unwraps the plate full of muffins. "These smells great."
"Are you sure they aren't poisoned?" I look at the one closest to me, wondering if maybe Alana did something to them.
If they wanted to get my attention, they might have. I have been gone for a week and I’m sure they’re furious.
"I've been eating the food they've brought all week, so I'm sure it's fine." As if to prove it, she grabs one and pulls the wrapping down before taking a huge bite. She smiles and moans about how good it tastes. I finally reach over and take one, hoping to fill my empty stomach.
The first bite is delicious, the second bite is even better. Before I know it, the whole muffin is gone and I'm reaching for a second.
"You're starving. Eat all you wish."
"I feel like I haven't eaten in days.” As I take each bite, I savor them all.
Slowly, I lift my gaze to look out the window near the kitchen and my mind goes back to the feeling of freedom I had. I was finally free.
"So other than them acting like I didn't disappear, what else have I missed?”
“Nothing else. It has been quiet and you only have a week until the ceremony during the full moon.” She glances across the table at me and motions with her hands for me to clean my face.
I probably made a mess from devouring the muffins. Leaning forward, I snatch a napkin from the table and brush the crumbs off. Even after wiping, I still feel like they are stuck to me. Eventually, I give up and figure I’ll need another bath.
“Grandmother, I can’t mate with Corbin. I don’t know what they are thinking, nor do I want to know. That entire family is crazy. They treat me horribly, then as soon as they realize I have an alpha hiding beneath my skin, they decide that I need to be with their family. Now, I can’t even step foot into the village to get anything at the house or someone will see me. That means they’ll see the bite on my throat.”
Grandmother tilts her head to the side to look at my neck and grimaces. “You’re healing already. I don’t know how you didn’t see it this morning, though. It’s rather large and too big to be just anyone’s bite.”
"I guess the most important thing is finding out where I went for a week and what bit me,” I say with a laugh.
Just as I am about to continue speaking, I am interrupted by laughter, which causes me to pause and look around, but I soonrealize that my Grandmother can’t hear it. She takes in my state and eyes me curiously. "What's wrong, Lillian?"
"Nothing, Grandmother. I thought I heard something.”
Hiding from me, little wolf? Let them see that mark on your throat and let them all know who you belong to.
I swallow hard as his voice fills my mind.Why would I show them that? If I do, then I’ll be dead.