“What?” I ask as my jaw begins to shift. “No, I don’t know who that is. I won’t be with Corbin. No.”
My wolf laughs as she takes over and shoves me back. Everything fades to dark and I lose consciousness.
When I open my eyes, I jump. My hand lands on my bare skin above my heart as it pounds. I look around, breathing in a sighof relief. “Oh, it was only a dream. I’m perfectly fine. Nothing happened and I’m safe, but when did I get naked? I don’t remember undressing and crawling into bed.”
I smile to myself as I ease out of the bed, but then I see dirt on my hands and under my fingernails. As I hold them up, I find specks of blood under my nails as well. “What have I done?”
I rush to the bathroom and try to wash up. It feels good, but I keep finding random twigs in my hair long after I’m finished bathing. As I run the brush through again, I find at least three more small ones.
I run my fingers through my long blonde locks after setting down the brush, only to realize what time it is. “Oh, shoot. I’m going to be late. She’ll be so worried about me. I haven’t seen her in a couple of days.”
I rush to get my clothes on and pack the basket with whatever I have left in the refrigerator. It doesn’t quite smell right, but I’m in such a hurry that I don’t have time to even think about it. It’s not much anyway, but she’ll probably fuss about it because she’ll know I haven’t cooked it recently.
As I leave the house, I run all the way to the narrow path between the trees. I don’t think of the monster in the woods or about anything, for that matter. At least, not until I reach the door.
Lily.His voice is breathless and my wolf whines.
Mate.She cries and my jaw drops open.
"No. This isn't right. Stop talking like that. You know what they will do to me if you are speaking the truth.”
Warm breath blows across my neck and I feel the familiar scraping of teeth on my flesh. I bang on the door for grandmother to come open it. “Hurry! I need you to open this door.”
I nearly crumble at her doorstep at the sensations from his teeth scraping and right as I’m about to fall to my knees, the door swings wide open.
“Why are you banging on the door so loudly? Don’t you think you owe me an explanation? Where have you been?”
“Been? Grandmother, I can explain everything,” I say as she lets me brush by her into the cottage. “You see, I got into trouble with Nigel and was thrown into the cells for the night. I apparently passed out the next morning and Corbin and his mother took care of me. I just left and crashed at home for the night.”
“What did you say Nigel did?” She asks, her voice becoming louder. “I will end his life and bathe in his blood. You becoming Corbin’s mate was supposed to keep you safe, but apparently you’re still not safe from him. If he wants to act like this, then I will beat his -”
I shudder as the memory of the beast's teeth scraping down my neck is fresh in the front of my mind. Falling to my knees, I lean over and place my palms against the floor.
"Lillian, what's wrong? Is it something I said?”
I feel her hands on my back, but I can't move. "What is happening to me?"
My voice is barely a whisper, and the words are hard to even say as my throat feels like it's closing up.
"Do you need to see the pack doctor? I mean, I know some cures for ailments, but I've seen nothing like this." She rubs my back up and down in a soothing motion as I rock on my hands and knees to subdue the odd feelings.
"Grandmother, I woke up dirty with no memory. My wolf forced me to shift and said something about her mate. I don't know what's happening. But I woke up in bed. I don’t know what’s going on and I didn’t want to tell you.”
Her hand quickly disappears. I look up, only to see her squatting in front of me, her cane still in her hand for balance. She slips her fingers under my chin and forces me to meet her gaze. "Lillian, you are about to make a choice that will impact everyone. That is all I can tell you. You must choose.”
“Choose what? Is this about my destiny again?”
Her eyes dart to my neck. “What is on your neck?”
"My neck?" I panic as I sit up on my knees and pat my neck. "I just showered, and I didn't see anything."
Sure enough, my fingers trace over a bite mark. How did I not see this sooner? It’s there as plain as day and I never once saw it, but I can sure feel it.
"Oh, Lillian. What have you done? Who left that on you?"
Shaking, I trace the puncture wounds again. "It's not a mate mark, but close. I don't know because I have no memory of last night."