Page 41 of Always Heated

“I can’t get into it; too distracting. Please never tell your brother that.”

“Ingrid!” I open the shower door to ask, “Why would I ever discuss vibes with my brother?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. You’re practically twins, you could have telepathy. Keep that guarded, okay?”

“You’re ridiculous.”

Ingrid leaves and I close the shower door to rinse out the shampoo. When I’m finished, I skip the conditioner and step out of the shower, pulling a towel from the warming rack. My lungs feel so much better from the steam. As hard as it is to force myself to do it, I breathe deeply; I need to if I want my lungs to heal.

Ingrid laid out a tee and leggings for me before stepping out of the room. There are faint voices coming from the living room and I can make out Ingrid, her kids, and Cay, maybe even Pop. Someone asks how I’m doing and Ingrid tells them I’m going to be okay. For a minute, I almost believe her.

When Ingrid and Caleb started dating, he would've married her the day she was back in Sapphire Lake. It took years and a baby girl before she was ready to get married. Travis is an incredible man, so much more than I gave him credit for, and just as my brother was obsessed with Ingrid, I’m equally obsessed with Travis. If I want a chance at keeping him, I need a boom box over my head, cue cards pretending to be carolers, lip syncing in a football stadium, worthy moment. He deserves to see for himself how much I love him, not only with words.


. . .

It’s been a few hours since the shower shut off. I want to check on Cass, but Ingrid’s got her. Those two are practically sisters and I’m hoping spending time with Ingrid will help.

My beer is halfway to my lips when Cass emerges from our bedroom for the first time in weeks. As much as I want to go to her, I remain rooted in place while the pups rush to her side. While she’s hugging them, laughing through the wet kisses Smitten and Inferno give her, our eyes meet. She sleeps most of the day, but still has dark circles. I want to help, to take away any pain she’s feeling. I can’t. All I can do is be here for her and I hope it’s enough.

Everyone is here, even Ashlyn, who came with Pop. When I began the renovations, this is how I envisioned the house would be—a home full of family.

The kids come in shouting, “It’s done! Her surprise is done! We?—”

Cay cups their mouths to muffle spoiling my surprise, and I can’t help but chuckle. “Nothing’s done,” he insists. “Ignorethem.” Cass eyes him suspiciously, then cocks an eyebrow at me. I shrug and take a long pull of my beer.

“Hey, kiddo, want to watch the game with us?” Pop asks Cass, patting the sofa cushion between him and my dad. She nods, taking a seat as they each wrap an arm around her shoulder in a half-hug; she’s so loved by all of us. For so many years, Cass ran from darkness, and with her unable to run, she’s forced to face her feelings. It’s consuming her, but I refuse to let it. If it helps to bring family to the house every damn day, consider it done.

Ashlyn brought ribeye steaks and red potatoes, Ingrid brought garlic green beans to throw in the oven, and the dads brought drinks, including beer, soda, and flavored sparkling water. Dad also brought dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for the kids. They may not be Dad’s grandkids, but they may as well be; the Rogers have always been family to us. When I marry Cass, it’ll make it that much truer, and I smile at the thought.

I fire up the grill while Ashlyn starts the oven for the potatoes and green beans. Darcy offers to help, insisting that she learned everything she knows from me to be safe. Ashlyn laughs and agrees to let her help season the potatoes.

Caleb and Ingrid sit on the other sofa with Seb, the pups laying at their feet. We’re all watching the game, as Will Darling, the quarterback for Pop’s favorite team, the New York Cougars, chucks the ball down the field. It’s caught without a cornerback in sight. Pop shouts at the TV, “Go, go, go! Yes! That’s how you do it!” Cheers erupt from everyone, including Cass, as they run in the touchdown. The game is tied seven-seven after the extra point, and I check on Ashlyn to see where we’re at with the vegetables before starting the steaks.

With no one in earshot she tells me softly, “You’re doing great, Travis,” and my heart is stuck in my throat. “You’re doing all of the right things. I’m just happy you two got your heads out of your asses and finally gave in. I saw this coming since high school.” She winks, then takes a beer out of the fridge. If she saw it, why didn’t I? It seems everyone did but me. Why did I let so many years pass before telling Cass how I feel?

I begin grilling the steaks and Ashlyn teaches Darcy how to use the air fryer for the chicken nuggets. Once I’ve turned the meat, two arms wrap around me from behind. I breathe a relieved sigh as I cover her hands with one of mine, closing my eyes for a moment to savor her touch. Cass presses her cheek to my back and whispers, “I’m sorry.”

“No, baby, don’t apologize. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” I turn to tuck her into my side. “Do you want medium, or medium-rare?”

“Medium, please. I don’t need it mooing.” She huffs a small laugh and I kiss the top of her head, pulling her closer. “So, what’s this big surprise?”

She’s waited long enough. “One second.” I open the sliding door. “Hey, Cay, can you keep an eye on the grill? Also, can you send the kids out?”

“Sure.” Caleb dusts off his pants as he stands with Sebastian. “Darcy! I think it’s time for Cassidy’s surprise.”

The kids run outside and take Cass’s hands, pulling her toward the trailer. I follow behind once I let Cay know what’s going on with the meat. She opens the trailer door and Darcy flicks on the light. Cassidy gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. “What is this?”

“When your garden was destroyed, you suggested it would have been great to have a space to read. Well, now you have one.”

Cass spins to face me, tears welling in her eyes. “You made a she-shed? For me?”

“It’s technically a she-trailer.” I stuff my hands in my pockets and shrug. “I would have started a garden for you too but the weather isn’t right.”

“Travis,” she breathes, closing the distance and wrapping her arms around my neck. “It’s too much.”

Holding her close, I kiss the top of her head. “It’s not enough. You’re mine, Cass. I want to give you the world. Come on. The kids helped and they’re really excited.” She pulls back, and I wipe away her tears before leading her inside.