Her eyes go wide. “I think it’s time.”
“Time for what—oh, shit.” My heart skips a beat. “The babies? Now?”
She nods, wincing.
“Guys!” I shout, leaping off the couch.
Jared and Troy burst in, looking alarmed.
“What the hell’s going on?” Troy asks.
“Contractions,” I say, pointing at Savannah like an idiot.
Jared curses under his breath. “I’ll grab the bags.”
Troy takes Savannah’s other hand. “Breathe, Sav. We’ve got you.”
“I’m fine,” she says through gritted teeth, clearly not fine.
I kneel in front of her, trying not to panic. “You sure it’s happening now? Can’t we wait till morning?”
She glares at me. “Do you think I can schedule this?”
“Fair point.”
Jared reappears with the bags, and we help Savannah to her feet.
“Okay, let’s go,” Troy says, already halfway to the door.
“Wait,” Savannah says, clutching my arm.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Jamie,” she says, her voice softer now, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being here. For this.” She gestures around the room. “For...everything.”
I swallow hard, not trusting myself to speak.
“We’re gonna be okay,” I say finally, squeezing her hand. “All of us.”
And then we’re out the door, into the snow, and on our way to meet the rest of our family.
Chapter Forty-Six
Snow is coming down hard outside, and I’m trying not to lose my shit. My breath comes in short bursts, and I clutch my belly like I can somehow will the pain away.
“It’s too early,” I whisper, staring at the three men in front of me like they might have all the answers. “Two months early. It’s too early.”
Troy’s already by my side, his hand gripping mine. “Sav, look at me. It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna get you to the hospital.”
“Right,” Jared mutters, shoving his phone into his pocket. “The roads are bad, though. We’ll need chains on the tires.”
Jamie’s pacing like a lunatic. “Chains? Who the hell even has chains? Just drive slow, man!”