“Slow? In a damn blizzard?” Jared shoots back.

“Guys!” I snap, my voice shaking. “Now’s not the time for a dick-measuring contest!”

They both shut up immediately, and I groan as another contraction hits.

Troy kisses my forehead. “Breathe, baby. We’ve got you.”

“You keep saying that,” I hiss through gritted teeth, “but I’m the one about to push out three tiny humans!”

The next fifteen minutes are chaos. Jared and Jamie are outside, arguing about the best way to proceed, while Troy stays with me, rubbing my back.

“They’re idiots,” I mutter, gripping his hand like a lifeline.

“You’re not wrong,” he says, his lips twitching.

“Don’t laugh. This isn’t funny.”

“I know, Sav. I know.”

By the time they get the car ready, I’m sweating and cursing under my breath. Jamie practically kicks the front door open.

“Let’s go! Car’s ready!”

Troy helps me to my feet, and I nearly double over as another contraction rips through me.

“Fuck,” I bite out, tears stinging my eyes.

“Easy, Savannah,” Jared says, swooping in to take my other side.

“Don’t ‘easy’ me. Just get me to the hospital!”

Jamie’s already at the car, holding the door open. “Sav, I swear to God, you’re gonna be fine. The babies are gonna be fine. Just hang on, okay?”

“Hang on? That’s your advice?”

“Yup. That’s all I’ve got.”

The drive is a nightmare. Snow piles up on the windshield faster than the wipers can clear it. Jared’s driving, his knuckles white on the steering wheel, while Jamie and Troy sit in the back with me.

“I hate this,” I whisper, clutching Jamie’s hand. “What if…”

“Nope,” Jamie cuts me off. “Don’t go there. You hear me? These babies are tough, just like their mom.”

Troy leans in from my other side. “He’s right, Sav. You’ve got this. We’ve got this.”

I nod, swallowing hard. “I’m scared.”

Jamie squeezes my hand. “I know, baby. But we’re not going anywhere. We’re here.”



When we finally get to the hospital, it’s like something out of a bad movie. Jared skids into the parking lot, Jamie jumps out to grab a wheelchair, and Troy practically carries me inside.

A nurse meets us at the door. “How far along are you?”

“It’s too early!” I snap. “Two months too early!”