Page 22 of Signs and Wonders

“What am I supposed to do? I can’t just quit work.”

“So you’ll have a bodyguard. One of us,” Seth indicated Evan, Tyler, and himself, “will be with you all the time. It’s not fool-proof, but it does make snatching you more complicated.”

“We’ve got some friends with special experience lending a hand,” Evan added. “They can add additional protection.”

“For how long?” Cameron looked nervous. Tyler’s expression suggested that he took the threat seriously.

“A few days,” Seth replied. “Was tonight the first time someone tried to attack you?”

Cameron’s hesitation drew a sharp look from Tyler. “It was, wasn’t it?” Tyler asked.

“I thought once or twice I was being followed or watched,” Cameron admitted. “I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure, and nothing happened, so I figured it was just my imagination.”

“You could have been taken, and I wouldn’t have had any idea what happened to you,” Tyler snapped. “I didn’t even know there was a reason for you to be in danger.”

Seth could identify with Tyler’s protective anger. He and Evan had plenty of close calls. He took it in stride for himself, but the thought of Evan at risk made him seethe.

Cameron held up his hands, palms out, in a gesture of appeasement. “That was wrong of me. I realize that now. Please, don’t be angry. I’ve told you everything. We’ve just got to figure out how to live through this, and then we’ll get out of town and never look back.”

Tyler nodded, tight-lipped, indicating that the argument was over—for now.

“Tyler, you’re on guard duty tonight,” Seth said. “We’ll put protections on the house. They won’t stop a full-on magical assault or a nuclear bomb, but I don’t think Swain is ready to be that visible, at least not yet.”

“What kind of protections?” Cameron looked interested.

“You have any salt?” Evan asked. “It repels ghosts and some other types of magic. I’ll put it down at the windows and doors. Make sure you don’t break the line.”

“I’ll mark sigils on the doors and windows that will also neutralize magic that isn’t full blast. No matter what you see or hear, don’t go outside until morning,” Seth told them. “Step outside, and the protections won’t work.”

“What about tomorrow morning? I need to get to Lacey’s.”

“One of us will pick you up,” Evan said. “We’ll tag team until we figure this out and stop Swain.”

They finished the protections while Cameron and Tyler watched. Before they left, Seth reached into his pocket and withdrew two medallions.

“These will help when you’re not in the house,” Seth explained. “They deflect minor magic. It won’t save you from a direct, full power strike or a curse, but it should keep you from being affected by spells intended to confuse you or to make you let down your guard. Please wear them all the time.”

They left with assurances that Cameron and Tyler would follow instructions, although both men looked a bit stunned over having their whole view of reality shifted.

“Do you think they believed us at the end?” Evan glanced back at the house through the side mirror as they pulled away.

“I hope so. It seemed like it,” Seth said. “We dropped a lot on them. Considering everything, they didn’t run screaming into the night, so I’ll take that as a win.”

Evan chuckled. “They’re doing better than I did.”

Seth shrugged. “Everyone’s different. It seems like both Cameron and Tyler had some prior experience with ‘weirdness,’ which made it easier for them to believe. And eventually, you came around.”

Evan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, after we both nearly died. I’m so sorry.”

Seth reached out and took his hand. “Quit beating yourself up over it. That’s all in the past. We’re alive and together—and narrowing the list of witch disciples. Keep coming up with those bucket list ideas. We’ll get there.”

They checked the campsite warily, making sure none of their wardings on the RV had been disturbed and assuring themselves that no one lurked in the shadows. Once they got inside and energized the protections, Evan closed the distance with Seth and kissed him, hard and hungry.

“I trust you. You know that, right?” Evan breathed between kisses.

Seth’s hands came up to frame his face, and he pulled back far enough to see Evan’s eyes. “Of course I do. What’s all this about?”

Evan kissed him again, deeper and with intent. “Making up for lost time—and old doubts.”