“On it. Pizza sounds perfect. And you got me there. I’ve heard nothing but good things about those kids from Gigi. They’re always polite every time I see them at her place.”
“Oh yeah? Well, that’s good to hear.”
“He needs to work on his yard, though,” she muttered as she tapped on her phone to order the food. “His front lawn has been looking a little lackluster. The last time I was at Gigi’s, I noticed it was a bit overgrown. Maybe he needs a new mower.”
“His yard is fine. He has gorgeous roses on the side of his house, and maybe you need glasses because he always does those straight mowing lines—it’s actually perfect. I haven’t been in the back, though. I have no idea if the peonies are still there.”
She burst out laughing.
“God, I can’t believe I fell for this. I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Whatever. You’re trying to remind me why I like him so much. You’re always so sneaky.”
“Sometimes, it’s the only way to get you girls to talk to me.”
“Ugh. I’ve said too much. Now you’re going to be on Gigi’s side.”
She looked me dead in the eyes. “I’m always on your side, Madison. Always. Even if you’re wrong, I will have your back.”
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too. In fact, I love you so much that I’m going to that fundraiser with you tomorrow night. Me, you, and your sisters. Picture it: the four of us, dressed to kill. We can take a family photo to put on my mantel. Me and my girls.”
“What? You? In Cozy Creek somewhere other than Gigi’s? In public? You’ll go with me?”
“Yeah. Me. In Cozy Creek. It’s time. If my baby is going to be living there, then I’ll have to get used to the place again, right? Plus, I’ve missed the Skytop and their epic tots.”
“Living there? I’m not at that point yet, if at all. But what if you run into Dad? Who knows when he’ll be back in town.”
“I know you haven’t seen him since you’ve been there, Gigi told me. Sometimes, I wish I had picked a better father for you, but I was stupid in love back then, and I made so many bad decisions where he was concerned. But I can’t regret any time I spent with him because now I have my girls. If I run into him, I’ll deal with it. I’ll do anything for you.”
“I—I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” She pulled me into her arms for a hug, and I snuggled close. “This means everythingto me.”
“Of course. Now tell me what happened with Cole. Don’t spare a detail.”
“I was pushy. And I was demanding. I wouldn’t blame him for never speaking to me again. He said he wasn’t ready, and I didn’t accept it.”
She stroked my hair and pulled me tighter, reminding me of how I felt with her as a little kid. She worked a lot, but somehow, she was always there for me. I felt bad for losing sight of that.
“There is a line between standing up for yourself and being pushy. There is no way you crossed it. Okay? You’re a sensitive girl. You’ve always known how to read a room.”
I told her everything we had said to each other—all of it.
“So, he expressed the honest thought that he wasn’t ready. He admitted he has feelings for you. He explained himself thoroughly and didn’t want to end things with you. He just wanted to slow down? Is that it?”
I shifted out of her arms to sit cross-legged in the corner of the couch.
“When you put it that way, I sound like a freakin’ psycho, mother.”
“You’re not a psycho. Not at all. That’s not where I was going with this. You are lucky to have a sense of clarity that he doesn’t. You moved on from Ross. He can’t entirely move on from his ex. Gigi told me about her and what she did to him. She’s a piece of work, that one is. He probably doesn’t want to put you through all the drama she’ll inevitably cause. And he’s hurting. I knowyou are, too, and I don’t want to compare your pain to his. But his situation is a lot more complicated with the kids and all that goes along with that.”
“I totally get that. You’re right, and I hope she gets better. For their sake.”
“Think of it this way: he has to deal with her for the rest of his life. Ask me how I know what that feels like.”
“So, you’re an expert witness for the defense, is that it?”