Page 48 of Fall at Once


“Do it,” I heard Tate say.

“Get your girl,” Quinn added.

Chapter 15


Iopened my eyes and found Cole standing beside me with his hand on Ross’ shoulder.

“I think this dance belongs to me.” His voice was soft yet edged with steel. “Would you like to dance, Madi?”

“What?” Ross sputtered. “No, she would not. Madison and I are having a talk?—”

“And now she’s done talking to you. Right?”

“Yeah, we’re finished.” I blinked, focusing my gaze on Cole, thankful he was here. I knew I could handle myself, but I didn’t want to make this night any worse if I could help it. “Absolutely. I’m one hundred percent finished, and I would love to dance with you. Let’s go.”

But Ross would not take the hint. He shook Cole’s hand off hisshoulder and turned to the side, pulling me closer to block me from walking away with Cole. “And you are?” The sneer in his voice shocked me—the nerve of this man.

“Who I am doesn’t matter to you.” The angry growl in Cole’s voice was a surprise. I stood on my tiptoes to see him glaring at Ross with his face like stone. “Take your hand off my—my Madi, before I do it for you.”

“Madi? Are you with this guy? I’ve met him before, haven’t I?”

“Yes. This is Cole Sutter. He lives across the street from Gigi,” I belatedly introduced them as I hurled myself out of his arms and glared at him. “I guess you aren’t the only one with news tonight, Ross. We’ve been seeing each other.”

Cole banded an arm around my waist and yanked me back into his chest. His other arm went across my upper chest, and his hand rested on my shoulder.

Ross took a step back, eyeing us derisively. “Fine. Well, I won’t keep you then.”

My mind whirled as Cole turned me into his arms, holding me close while guiding me to the darkest edge of the dance floor. He tucked me in tight against his big body like my shield.

One hand settled at my waist, and the other rested on the back of my head, his fingertips sifting gently into the strands of my hair. I buried my face against his broad chest and took a deep breath.

“You’re saving me again,” I murmured into his pec. “Thank you for getting me away from him.” To my dismay, my voice broke slightly.

My heart raced as I took a deep breath, trying to relax and control the thoughts spinning rapidly through my mind.

“There is no place I’d rather be than here with you. Believe that. You deserve a man who will take care of you, respect you, and treat you like the amazing woman that you are. Not some dumb motherfucker who would try to humiliate you in a goddamn bar.” His voice held a note of steel beneath the words. I followed, trembling in his arms, as he led me to the room’s darkest corner of the bar. I looked up to meet his eyes. “You’re okay, Madi. Take another breath for me.”

He was angry with Ross, but he tempered it. He spoke to me in soothing whispers as his hand sifted through my hair.

He cared how I felt, and it was evident in every interaction we’d ever had together. Especially now, he was strung tight. I could feel the rigidity in his arms, the tension. He was pissed, and I had the feeling he was ready to fight Ross if he had to; he maybe even wanted to.

I shivered and snuggled closer. He was so tall, well over six feet, but I could see his face better in these heels, even in the dim light of the bar. He would protect me. I knew it.

“I’m glad you’re here too,” I murmured. “Whenever you’re around, I feel better. About everything.”

“You’re amazing, Madi. Everyone in town thinks so. He wouldn’t be here in this weak attempt to put you in your place if he didn’t realize that. But he’s not worthy of your time and does not deserve to flaunt his new life in front of you. That’s just cruel, and I will not tolerate it.”

“How do you know? Does everyone know? That fast?”

Sympathetic eyes met mine. “Unfortunately, yeah. That fast. None of you were quiet over there; this is a small town. Plus, Abigail is currently screaming at Hanna in the parking lot. Everybody in here knows at least some of what happened. I’m so sorry.”

I turned my head toward the window. Riley was holding Abigail’s arm as she yelled at a crying Hanna. “Oh, crap. Oh, no.” Tears filled my eyes. “This is humiliating. I should have tried to be quiet but was too mad.”

He placed his hands on the side of my neck and pulled me closer to the warm strength of his body, blocking my face from view with his big arms. With his back to the room and mine to the window, no one could see that I was slowly breaking down.