Page 22 of Breakup Games

“Mya! Hey, Mya!”

Elsie elbows me. “Is that guy calling you? He’s looking right at us.”

Mya. Right. The fake name I always use. Like I did tonight. Following Elsie’s gaze, I look across the street. Holy shit.

It’s Enzo.




Taking a sip of coffee, I press play and listen to the audio recording from the beginning. Mira was great. Too great and it takes every ounce of self control I have inside to not let this get to me. It was a fake date. Mira talked and laughed—and leaned in and put her hand on Enzo’s forearm—at the perfect times. She tossed her hair back and looked so goddamn beautiful under the lowlights of the restaurant.

I almost called the whole thing off as soon as I came in because I swore everyone was looking at her, taken aback by her beauty just as much as I was. In all my years as a special agent, I’ve never once had an issue separating fact from feeling, so why the fuck am I suddenly feeling so protective and possessive of Mira? I don’t really know the chick. She’s hot and I need to bang her out of my system, that’s it.

Yeah. That’s it.

But I can’t—not yet at least.

Now that I’ve listened to the audio one full time, I start taking notes. Mira did a good job digging at things that would be helpful to my investigation without being obvious. She seemed genuinely interested in getting to know this Matthew characterEnzo created. And I can tell by how she worded things that she knows there is always a bit of truth in the lies.

Things he embellished or avoided can be dead giveaways and I find it very interesting that Matthew is an only child with doting parents. I’m guessing—and hoping—there’s some family resentment and feuding going on right now. We could use it to our advantage and people get sloppy when they’re focused on “getting” someone. Hate and resentment are powerful emotions and I’ve seen people slip up because they’d rather spend their energy poking the other party.

The audio keeps playing as I open an encrypted email from Diego. Elaina, his wife, and her sister, Sophia, did a great job taking selfies with Enzo in the background. I go through them, zooming in on Mira more than I should. I open Mira’s TikTok account as I keep listening, telling myself that I’m doing a little extra research on her.

After all, I need to trust her for this to work.

She doesn’t have anything too personal on TikTok. She has two main formats to her videos, with the first being little clips from her podcast or inspirational quotes. The second are of her acting as if she’s a character talking about something that happened for the purpose of getting a point across. I end up pausing the audio recording to watch a few, wondering how close to home some of these hit.

Her series titled “He Didn’t Hit Me But…” is probably based on truth, knowing what I know. I watch one video where the text on screen says that her now ex-husband took a bag of dirty cat litter from the stoop in their garage and dumped it out on the front seat of her car as a “punishment” for not taking the bag outside and putting it in the big can.

“Asshole,” I mutter and click to another video where she’s talking about how her ex used to pick a fight right before they’d walk into any sort of event or party. The guy sounds like a classicnarcissist and he looked like the biggest tool from his mugshot. I wonder how Mira got mixed up with a loser like Cory Maxwell.

Telling myself to curb my interest in Mira, I go back to the audio recording and take more notes. Diego texts me, saying that the Morettis do have an apartment at the Wrigley Building. It’s under Enzo’s mother’s name, but he most likely resides there.

It’s a one bedroom apartment facing the lake, which is exactly what he told Mira. The lease was signed only a few months ago, also fitting what he told Mira. There aren’t any G-Wagons registered to him, though, and he doesn’t have a pilot license.

Leaning back, I think about the things he was truthful about and what he wasn’t. From the little I know, it seems that he’s fabricating things that can’t easily be tested. He’s not going to be expected to fly Mira anywhere and driving your own car around the city can be a pain in the ass.

I find myself applying the same type of psychoanalysis on Mira, though she already told me that she sticks to the truth as much as she can, which is smart. She talks about her horse and I can hear the excitement in her voice. The same when she tells Enzo about a book she just finished reading, one he was familiar with. If I didn’t know any better, I would say she almost enjoyed herself.

And maybe she did. It wouldn’t matter. My job is to keep her safe and then arrest the bad guy, not judge or even care about whether she liked her time with Enzo or not.

“Focus, Harris,” I tell myself and go back to taking notes. I need something good—really fucking good—to take to my boss to let him get me on this case, and if Diego and I can get confirmation that Enzo comes and goes from that particular building, we could have enough to get a warrant for security footage of the building foyer and any surrounding cameras.

An hour later, I get up, put my notes in a folder and then lock them in a filing cabinet. Stretching, I go into the kitchen and regret not going grocery shopping this afternoon when I had the chance. I went to the gym instead. Hungry but lazy, I pull out a frozen pizza and turn the oven on. I grab my phone and go back into the living room, turning on the TV while I wait for the oven to preheat.

I finally catch up on my sibling group chat and then text Mom back, letting her know I’m alive. It can be hard not being able to share details of my life with my family. There are things I can say in person that I wouldn’t dare say over text, and it’s for their own personal safety that they don’t know more than they have to.

This lifestyle can be lonely but I love the job and the thrill that goes with it. Still, I can’t help but notice an empty feeling growing inside me as the days go on. Would settling down quell that feeling or would I be left longing for more?

I can’t say I’m unhappy; I’m doing exactly what I wanted to do, though the whole catching bad guys thing is a little more bureaucratic than I thought it would be when I was a kid, thinking about how cool it would be to get that jacket with the big yellow FBI letters on it. And I do see my fair share of action and have been undercover several times, of course. I can make friends fairly easily, though I keep them at arm’s length, and I’m grateful Diego and I got transferred from Atlanta to Chicago together at the same time.

After eating the entire frozen pizza and binging a few episodes of a new show, I decide to just head to bed so I can get into the office early tomorrow and cross reference anything at all near where Enzo resides and then hit the ground and see if I can get eyes on any car that looks like the ones we’ve seen in the videos. My mind whirls with ideas and I decide to go about this looking for a murder weapon in a sense. We know the victimsare killed off site from where they’re dumped, but if I can find something, it could give me the clearance I need.

I get in bed and turn off the light, mind going to Mira again. My cock starts to harden when I think about the way her ass looked in her dress. It was loose around the bottom and blew up, exposing the back of her thighs as she left the restaurant. God, what I wouldn’t give to slide my hand up her thigh, not stopping until my fingers graced the bottom of her cheek. I’d grip it tight and pull her to me, grinding my dick against her so she can feel exactly how hard she makes me.