Closing my eyes, I reach down, pushing my hand into my boxers so I can take a hold of my cock. I wrap my fingers around the shaft and stroke up and down a few times, slowly inhaling. My phone vibrates with a text and I ignore it, getting myself closer to cumming. Another text comes through. Then another.
Assuming it’s the group text, I ignore it and keep jerking myself off. A vivid vision of Mira plays before me, and I imagine what her lips taste like. She didn’t wear lipstick or even lipgloss and her lips against mine would feel so fucking good. They’d feel even better wrapped around my cock and thinking of her dropping to her knees, looking up at me as I gather her hair into my hand, does me in. I groan as I come, letting out a breath.
Using my boxers to clean up with, I glance at my phone to see which of my siblings texted again. But it wasn’t them. It was Mira. I quickly wipe up and drop the boxers on the floor so I can grab my phone and open it.
Mira: I think he followed me.
“Matt, hi.” I lower my phone, hoping I was able to get the right words quickly typed out and sent to Mason. It’s after midnight and we weren’t going to talk until tomorrow. I have no idea if he’s even up to see my text. This isn’t the same phone I had out during dinner since it’s my real phone, not the track phone I use for communicating with Matt.
I should have saved Mason as Maisie in my phone, though I’ll have a hard time explaining why I’m texting anyone from a different phone.
“W-what are you doing here?”
Elsie loops her arm through mine, not knowing what’s going on, but knowing this isn’t good. Her eyes go from him to me and back again before they widen.
“Oh shit,” she mouths and I give her the tiniest nod.
Enzo crosses the street, big grin on his face. “Didn’t expect to see me, did you?” He looks proud to have startled me. What a creep.
“Um, no. What are you doing here?”
He shrugs. “The bar scene gets old so I thought I’d check out this place.”
“Oh,” I say again and take a stumbling step forward, pulling Elsie with me. My mind whirls as I think back. I didn’t tell him where I was going. No…there’s no way. I wouldn’t even tell a guy I was actually interested in where I was going. You just never know with people and one date certainly isn’t enough time to get to know someone.
Hell, I was married for years and I didn’t truly know Cory until he had nothing left to lose and his true colors came out.
“How did you know I was here?” I turn my head and widen my eyes, looking at Elsie. She knows I’m trying to tell her something but can’t figure out that I want her to act drunk by my half a second stare.
“I saw you turn onto Kinzie Street and took a guess. Didn’t get it at first but good timing, ‘eh?”
My mouth opens and closes, at a loss for words.What the hell did you get me into, Mason fucking Harris?I swallow my pounding heart and put on a fake smile.
“Almost good timing, but I have to get this one.” I wince, inhaling through my teeth. “She drank too much.”
“I think I’m gonna puke,” Elsie groans, leaning onto me. Thank god she’s a good actress.
“She’s such a lightweight.”
“Hmm, been there,” Enzo chuckles. “Need help? I can make sure she gets home and then the two of us can continue the night.”
“That’s so sweet of you,” I go on and Elsie pretends to gag, putting all her weight on me like she’s going to pass out. “But I probably shouldn’t leave her alone.” Enzo comes closer and I think he might help with my fake-drunk friend. Ya know, like a gentleman would. But instead he comes up to me, stopping justinches from my face and leans in, inhaling as he pushes my hair back.
“There’s something about you, Mya. Something I can’t stop thinking about.”
I swallow hard, eyes wide and I stare back at him. Part of me wants to fuck the mission and tell Enzo to shove off. Just tell him I’m not interested and he should get lost. But the vibes coming off of him are unsettling, and in the back of my mind, I can’t stop thinking about the very real fact that his man is suspected of breaking every single bone in people’s arms so they can be tied together.
“I don’t know what to say,” I confess, though I force another smile so I look like I’m speechless from his flattery. “Only that I hope you keep thinking about me enough to call tomorrow.”
He smiles back. “We’ll see, we’ll see.”
“I think that’s our car,” I say when I see a red Mazda coming toward us. “I hope to hear from you.” Elsie keeps up the act of being super drunk until we’re in the car and are at least a block away.