I wait for him to expand, to elaborate. He knows I fucking need the details, but the asshole only smirks when I scowl.
He snorts into the rim of his coffee mug. “You should ask her. Then, you should throw her on the bed, spread those beautiful legs and lick her pussy until she cums. Once she does, put your cock in her pussy and fuck her.”
I raise an amused eyebrow. “Is that how that works? Thanks.”
“I figured it’s been a while since you apparently have blisters.”
“I never said I had blisters, you dick!”
He bats his eyes while taking a long sip of his drink. “No judgment. Some women like that ribbed texture, but just saying a wet, warm pussy is so much better, especially Mira’s. I just know she’s going to destroy us both but fuck if I’m not excited.”
He’s not wrong; Mira absolutely is going to destroy us, but it’s the only acceptable way I will happily go.
I tuck further Mira conversations aside, needing to focus on the other matters at hand.
“What happened last night?” I pick up a spoon and stir my coffee absent-mindedly. “Last I saw you, you were heading to bed. How’d you get arrested?”
Christian settles back in his booth. Long arms extend across the back. Everything about him assures the people around him that he’s calm and unbothered but I know my brother too well for that.
He’s annoyed.
“I already told you. I went for a drive to clear my head. Brewer’s troll was parked in the bushes. Pulled me over.” The knuckles on his left hand raps sharply on the plastic edge three times. The only show of his frustration. “I wasn’t drinking, okay? I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t risk my baby being that stupid. I sure as shit wouldn’t drink and drive. Besides, it was three in the morning, where the fuck would I get booze from?”
I drag in a breath. I believe him. Christian’s a lot of things, but he’s not a liar. He definitely wouldn’t risk his bike.
“This whole thing is a shit show. Fuck!” I drag five fingers back through my hair, frustrated.
“Ya think?” he mutters. “Almost didn’t fucking come. Fuck that place. Burn it down.”
“It’s Mom’s home,” I murmur quietly to the table top.
“It was Mom’s prison. She hated it. She hated him. She was scared and alone, and not a single motherfucker in that town did a thing about it. They knew what he was doing to her. To us. But Dad being Ryan fucking MacAllister, town hero, piece of shit dirt bag, everyone turned a blind eye.”
He isn’t wrong.
Jefferson protected its own. It forged a wall of iron around itself to keep its good name clean.
Ryan MacAllister’s wife cut her wrists in the tub? Well, Jesus will sort her out, but poor Ryan. So strong having to raise two boys on his own.
That alliance died quickly and without mercy when Christian and I were caught in bed with the reverend’s daughter, balls deep in her ass and pussy.
It crashed and burned to hell cinders when we killed her brother.
“We need to leave Jefferson.” I blow out a breath. “I need to get Mira away from here.”
“You will not hear me disagree.” Christian pushes his mug aside and drops back with his arms folded. “Every cell in my body has been on edge since we arrived. Kind of thought they were going to make me disappear last night when Walton picked me up. He was parked down the road, twenty minutes from town like he was just waiting for one of us. He put me in cuffs and I was damn sure that was it. Surprised as hell he only took me to jail.”
And I never would have known. Not for days after when I didn’t hear back. I would have seen his bike was gone and assumed he’d left.
“No more going out on your own,” I snap. “We stay together. I’ll hit the bank ... shit, they’re fucking closed on weekends.” I scrub a palm down over my face. “Monday, I’ll hit the bank. See what Dad owed on the mortgage. I’ll call his lawyer...” realizing once again it’s the weekend, I grunt and shake my head, “Monday and get him to send someone to look at the place. We’ll sell it. Split—”