Page 21 of Hope's Heartlands

He was ravenous as his tongue plunged in and out of my mouth. It was like we’d been holding this in forever and had finally been given our chance. He held me against him and started walking down the hallway to his bedroom. I’d been here a few times. I’d brought him soup one time when he was sick and I came to take care of him once after the big fight with the Outlaws. He stumbled and we both almost fell, but he caught us at the last second. He laughed and I pulled away from him. “Gage, really, how many drinks did you have?”

He pulled my shirt up and off my body. He was staring at my chest in the black sports bra I had on. My breasts are big and I hate drawing attention to them. Working at the bar, I’ve gotten into a habit of wearing it. But now, I wished I had something else on. Something more flattering.

His hands reached out to cup me, pulling the elastic away from me and over my head. With my breasts free, he stared at them so long I felt a chill go down my body and my nipples pucker. He reached for me again, but I stopped him by grabbing on to his hands. “Tell me the truth. How many drinks have you had?”

“Have I ever lied to you?” he asked me, still staring at my breasts.

When I didn’t answer him, he looked up into my eyes. I shrugged my shoulders. “No. You’ve always been truthful.”

Nodding his head, he tugged off his shirt and then pulled me against him. We were bare, skin against skin, and I felt like I was burning up. “Two drinks, baby girl. That’s it. Now, stay here and let me hold you.”

We stood there for so long, I finally softened against him. My head rested on his chest and my breasts pressed tightly against his stomach. His hands were running up and down my back, each stroke pulling me closer to him. I knew that this could change everything. My only family is the Heartlands MC and I didn’t want to screw that up. But I knew I couldn’t walk away now. I wasn’t strong enough.

Determined, I reached between us and undid the button on his jeans. The only sound in the room was our breathing and the zipper being pulled down. I pulled out of his arms and pushed him back toward the bed. He landed with a thud and I made quick work of pulling his shoes off. When he started to undo his pants, I finished undressing myself, letting my clothes land wherever they fell.

After he undressed, he sat back down on the edge of the bed. His penis was thick and heavy, pointing straight at me. Already, there was cum leaking from his tip. I wanted to fall to my knees and taste him, but what was stopping me was the way he was staring at me. I swear he was looking at me like he’d never seen me before. But when he held his hands out to me, wanting me to come closer, I moved within his reach.

“I’ve got you now, baby girl.” He pulled me until I was straddling his lap and his cock was pressed against my ass. I wanted to ask him what was up with the nickname—he’d only ever called me Roxeanne or Roxy—but I didn’t have a chance to before he was gripping his cock in his hand and lining me up on it.

I could feel his tip right at my entrance and there was no stopping now. I impaled myself on him. When he was fully inside me, I muttered “fuck” as I bit into Gage’s shoulder. He was filling me up until I felt him deep in my womb. I tried to give myself time to adjust, but he was already moving, gripping my hips and moving me against him. With each thrust, I felt like he was going deeper, but I knew that wasn’t right. He’d already taken me as far as he could go.

His hands were roaming my body and his mouth was kissing and licking my neck. Every thrust brought me closer to the edge. When he pushed me backwards, I went so far that I thought I was going to fall, but I didn’t because he was holding on to my arms. He drilled into me. At that angle, he was hitting that rough little patch inside me that pushed me off the cliff, and my hips bucked wildly against his. He grunted “baby girl” over and over until the very end, and when we were both so far gone, he pulled me up against him, falling back on the bed, cradling my head on his chest. “I love you, Roxy.”

Speechless, I could still feel his cock as he pulled soft little tremors from my satiated body. When I finally had the nerve to lift my head, his eyes were closed. I lifted up and looked into his face and realized he was already asleep.

“Gage,” I whispered.

He didn’t move, and I tried again. “Gage.”

When he still didn’t move, I lifted off of him, standing over him, wondering what I should do. I walked to the bathroom and took care of business.

Washing my hands, I saw a bottle on the counter. Grabbing it up, I read the label.

It was a pain medication, and the warning label stated not to mix it with alcohol.Fuck.

I knew he had hurt his back after the fight with the Outlaws. I had come to nurse him after it. I even knew that he had been prescribed pain medicine. But Gage never takes anything, hell, I can’t even get him to take Tylenol. Remembering his glassy eyes, I couldn’t help but wonder if he had taken one tonight.Fuck.

I ran back to the bedroom and Gage was snoring now. I grabbed up my pile of clothes and ran to the front of the house, pulling them on quickly before running out to my bike. The whole way home I was yelling at myself and my stupidity.

And little did I know that would be the night we conceived a baby. I rub my hand along my stomach. The future is so unsure, but there’s no doubt I’m going to love this baby. But now I just have to figure out how to tell the dad.



It’s too early in the afternoon to start drinking, but I start heading my way to the Ride or Die anyway. I want to check in on Roxy. She wasn’t quite herself last night. Hell, she hasn’t been herself in a while. I know something’s up and I’ve tried to get it out of her, but she’s not talking. I’m hoping that if I talk to her she’ll fess up whatever shitload of trouble she’s landed herself in so I can pull her out of it. She’s always had it so together, but lately, I can tell there’s something off. Every time I catch her looking at me, I can tell there’s a story there. I pick up speed down the highway. I know she won’t like me badgering her or even offering to help her. I can always use the excuse I’m there to see Troy. I’m sure he’s already in his office. Ever since the fight with the Outlaws he’s been even more intense than usual, just like the rest of us. But he’s the president of the club and I know he feels like it all rests on his shoulders.

I’m surprised when I pull into the lot that Roxy’s bike is not in its usual spot. I was sure that she would be working today. Walking into the empty bar, I find Cat in the back doing what looks like inventory. When she turns to me, her hair is going every which way, and her lips are swollen. Looking around the room, I see Saint standing in the corner with his arms crossed on his chest. I should have known he would be here. Ever since Cat found out she was pregnant, Saint barely leaves her side. He’s leaning against the wall staring daggers at me, letting me know that I just interrupted him.

I give him a smirk and shrug my shoulders before asking Cat, “Where’s Roxy? I thought she was opening tonight?”

Cat tries to smooth her hair with her hand and her cheeks are flushed as she talks to me. “Uh, she had to go in and see a doctor so I’m covering her shift for her.”

My hands go to my hips. “What kind of doctor? What’s wrong with her?”

I know it’s none of my business, but I’ve made it a habit of making Roxy my business. I don’t really know why, and I don’t even want to think about the reasoning. But ever since she got here three years ago, I’ve made it a point to look out for her. Maybe it’s because she’s always the one looking out for everyone else. I don’t want to see her hurt or taken advantage of. That’s what I tell myself, anyway. I won’t let myself think about what other reason it could be.

Cat looks at me with surprise on her face. “I don’t know what kind of doctor. I would suppose the regular kind. Maybe it’s just an annual checkup or something. She seemed fine.”