Page 53 of Hope's Heartlands

Emma just shakes her head. “Bull offered to have the party here. They closed the bar and everything. Plus, all our family is here anyway.”

I have to agree with her there. If you had told me four years ago that my family would consist of a bunch of bikers, I would have called you a liar and then laughed my head off. But looking around the bar, that’s exactly what’s happened.

Every one of these people have taken Emma and me in as one of their own. They’ve become our friends and our family.

“I can’t believe you graduated high school today,” I murmur, giving her a tight hug. “And my baby is going away to college.”

I feel him before I hear him. Bull’s arms go around Emma and me, and he holds us tight. “But college is only an hour away. I’ve already got it planned for Saint, Gage, and a few of the others to ride up with us when we drop her off for school.”

“Pops!” Emma says, shaking her head and smiling at him. “You do know that no one will talk to me if you show up on campus glaring at everybody, right?”

“I know that no boy will, that’s for sure,” he deadpans right back.

She rolls her eyes, a trait she’s yet to grow out of before she sees Maddox waving at her and she leaves us to go and talk to him. Bull starts to follow her, but I put my hand on his chest, reminding him, “She’s eighteen now, Bull. This is her graduation party. Plus, you trust Maddox.”

He looks over at his friend and gives him aYou better not think about itglare before turning back to me. His arms go around me and he’s smiling softly, and I know he’s waiting on me to break down. Sort of like I have been Emma’s whole senior year. “You okay, baby?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, it’s going to be weird with her out of the house, but I knew this day was coming. I’m just going to miss her.”

He leans down and puts his forehead to mine. “I know. Me too. Buuuuutttt….”

I give a breathless sigh. “But what?” I know Bull, and just by the look on his face, this is going to be a good one.

“Well, I tried to think about what I could do to get your mind off of Emma leaving…”

I interrupt him, rubbing my hands across shoulders. “And you’re going to keep me chained to the bed for a week.”

His eyes light up. “I like that idea, but no. I’m taking you to Hawaii. We’re dropping Emma off at school and then we’re leaving.”

“Hawaii! I’ve always wanted to go,” I say dumbly, but of course, Bull already knew that. He knows everything.

But as soon as the excitement rises, panic starts to set in. “But what if something happens? What if Emma needs me…”

He steps to the side and pulls me in front of him so I’m leaning my back against him. His arms are around me and as always, I feel more safe and loved in his arms than ever. “Look, Kate. Look at her. Do you not think that if she needs anything, our family wouldn’t step in to help her?”

I look at Emma, surrounded by all the Heartlands. They’re all laughing and having a good time. And I know without a doubt every one of them would be there for her if she needs it. I turn in Bull’s arms and wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you, Bull. You’ve given me and Emma the best life, you’ve shared your family with us, but most of all you’ve given us your love. We were lost before you came along. I love you.”

He pushes the hair from my face and cups my jaw and looks into my eyes questioningly. “So, Hawaii… you good with this?”

I feel as if my heart is in my throat. “Yes. I’m good with anywhere… as long as I’m with you.”

“Me too, baby. Me too.”


Heartlands MC



Three Years Ago

My mom points across the room at my dad surrounded by members of the Heartlands MC. “You know your dad is about to have a heart attack right now. Right?”

I look at my dad and sure enough he’s looking a little pale. Even from across the way, I can see his discomfort. My dad is more of a suit and tie kind of guy – at least he used to be. I don’t see him much since he got remarried. Heck, I didn’t see him much before that either. A part of me wonders if I should go over and save him but quickly decide against it. He’s a grown man, he’ll be fine. The Heartland MC may look like a scary intimidating bunch but my dad is safer here than most places.

There’s a part of me that feels guilty, forcing my dad out of his element but the other part knows this was the perfect place. Bull, or Pops as I like to call him, is my stepdad and married my mom a few years ago. He’s part of this mc. From the moment him and my mom got together, they’ve all accepted us into the club as one of their own. It’s only fitting that we’d celebrate with them. “Bull offered to have the party here. They closed the bar and everything. Plus, all our family is here anyway.”