My mom nods at me with pride on her face. I know today is hard for her.
She reaches over and gives me a tight hug. “I can’t believe you graduated high school today, and my baby is going away to college.”
Bull is next to us watching and even though he’s known as a badass, his heart is in his eyes as he looks at mom and me.
His arms go around us both and he holds us tight. “But college is only an hour away. I’ve already got it planned for Saint, Gage, and a few of the others to ride up with us when we drop her off for school.”
“Pops!” I pull back looking up at him. I can’t help but shake my head and smile. “You do know that no one will talk to me if you show up on campus glaring at everybody, right?”
“I know that no boy will, that’s for sure,” he deadpans right back.
I roll my eyes at him because I know he’s not joking. The truth is, Bull has been really protective of my mom and I but it doesn’t bother me. It’s actually nice that someone has our back no matter what. Plus, the fact that I don’t care about any boy I’ll meet in college. I’d already given my heart to someone else... even if he doesn’t know it.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Maddox and he’s waving at me. Instantly, my whole body starts to heat up and my pulse begins to race. I don’t even say anything to my mom and Bull when I start walking toward Maddox. He’s standing still as a statue and I weave through the crowd of people. Each person I pass hugs me, smiles at me and wishes me congratulations but I don’t stop. I pull at the hem of my skirt, nervously. I know it’s short but it wasn’t a big deal when it was under my graduation gown. Now, I’m second guessing the curls in my hair, do they make me look too young? Do I look like a little girl playing dress up or what.
But the heated look Maddox gives me and the way his eyes travel down my body and back up again, I know I look good. Damn, when he looks at me like that I feel like I can do anything.
As I get closer to him, he’s fidgeting with something in his hands. I look at the small box and wonder if he’s gotten me a graduation present. I train my eyes on his, trying not to get caught up in the way his tshirt fits against his chest or the way his arms flex as he crosses them in front of him. “Hey Maddox.”
“Hey, Princess” but before he can say anything else a few of the guys come over, each of them loud and congratulating me and picking me up into big bear hugs. I can’t keep the smile off my face. This is my family and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. When I’m finally back onto my feet, Maddox grabs my hand and pulls me to the outer edge of the room, away from everyone.
He’s not smiling. If anything he almost looks as if he’s in pain. “Congratulations.”
He holds the box out to me and I take it. “You know you didn’t have to get me anything.” We told everyone no gifts but there’s a pile of them that I already opened on the table near the front.
He shrugs as if its not a big deal but to me it is. Just the fact that he thought about me has my hands trembling as I open the box. I gasp when I peel the top open. Inside is a beautiful gold necklace with a charm that looks like a crown. I can’t take my eyes off it. I blink completely overwhelmed. “I love it.”
He takes it from my hand and turns me so that my back is to him. I hold my hair up as he puts the chain around my neck. As he fastens it, his breath is hot against my neck. “I don’t want you to forget.”
“Forget what?” I stutter.
His hands go to my shoulders and he squeezes. His voice is gruff. “That you’re a princess... my princess... the Heartlands princess. Don’t let anyone treat you any different.”
I put my hand to the charm on my neck. I wish I could stand just like this, his warm hands on me for eternity, but I’m greedy and I want more. I turn and he reluctantly drops his hands. I’m searching his face and I know it’s desire that is reflecting back at me. With my hand still on the necklace, I swallow down my nervousness. “I love it, Maddox... but can I ask for one more gift?”
He doesn’t hesitate. “Anything.”
I take a deep breath and pull my shoulders back. The laughter and music go on around us but in this moment, it’s just Maddox and I. “Will you kiss me?”
He rears back in surprise and I can’t say I blame him. I know I haven’t imagined the attraction. It’s there on both sides but neither one of us has ever acted on it. And now, knowing that I’ll be leaving in just a couple of months, I don’t want to waste any more time. He’s shaking his head and I put my hand on his forearm, afraid he’s going to walk away. “What? You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”
His face is grim. “Thought about it. Hell, Princess, that’s all I ever think about it. But it’s not going to happen. You’re off limits.”
I tilt my head to meet his eyes. “Off limits. You act as if-“
He’s stubborn and crosses his arms over his chest, pushing my hand off him. “I act as if I’m a member of the club and you’re the damn daughter of one of my brothers. So yea, that makes you off limits.”
I know what he’s saying is the truth. I don’t think anyone, including my mother, would be okay with us getting together. But even though it doesn’t make sense to anyone else... it makes perfect sense to me. Probably because this is something that I want more than anything I’ve ever wanted before.
I follow his lead and cross my arms over my own chest. There’s a nervous catch in my throat. “Fine, I’m sure there’s someone here that would want to be my first kiss. There’s a few prospects that may not care that I’m off limits.”
I turn to walk away and he puts a hand out to stop me. He growls, low and lethal. “You’re going to fuck around and get someone killed, Emma.”
It’s wrong. I know it’s wrong. I’m twenty-eight and she’s eighteen but just the thought of another man’s lips on her goes all through me. There’s no way I can just stand by and watch her follow through on her threat.