“Damn, girl. That was harsh.”

I should have known Violet would call me out for my crappy behavior. I felt bad as soon as I said it. I know that Dominic is trying to be civil, but I’m still filled with anger and resentment from our past. I can’t just forget what he did to me and how he did it. But even knowing that, I still feel guilty. I deflate and lean back in my chair. “I know. I don’t know what it is, but as soon as I get around him, I turn into a mega bitch.”

Gabe has pulled up a chair and is sitting quietly watching me.

Under his intense stare, I ask him, “What? He deserves it.” But even saying it and feeling it, I still want to get up and run after Dom to apologize.

Gabe holds his hands up in defeat. “I didn’t say anything. He probably does deserve it.”

Violet just shakes her head. I know I’ve disappointed her, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to argue with Gabe and defend Dom. Damn, what the hell is wrong with me?

“How have you been, Lucy? You okay?”

Violet just shrugs and eats the chips, and there’s no way to avoid answering Gabe. “Well, up to last week, I would have said I was good. It sort of all imploded since then.” I gesture to him. “What about you? How have you been?”

He sits up a little taller. “Good. I’m a firefighter.”

I blurt out a laugh. “Firefighter? Aren’t you the one in high school that started that bonfire out at Old Mill road that caught half the mountain on fire?”

He just laughs. “Hell, I’m never going to live that shit down, am I?”

I shake my head. “What about your foster sister, Chrissy? How is she?”

His smile drops, and he clears his throat. “She’s good. She’s a nurse at Jasper Hospital.”

I think about Chrissy and can totally see her being a nurse. She’s always been a caring, helpfulperson. To be honest, I always thought there was something between Gabe and Chrissy. He never let her out of his sight.

Violet picks up her phone and sighs in relief. “Josh is almost here, which is good because the babysitter needs to leave soon.”

“We’re about to leave, Gabe. You good?”

I’m about to stand up when he puts his hand over mine. “Can we talk for a minute?”

Violet’s eyebrows lift, and she holds up her phone. “Take your time. I’m going to wait for Josh by the door.”

I nod, and she walks away. I’m not sure what Gabe wants to talk to me about, but I can only imagine. “Shoot. What’s up?”

He releases his hold on me. “I wanted to ask you to take it easy on Dom.”

Of all the things I would have imagined him saying, that wasn’t it. I lean back in my seat with my mouth hanging open. “Excuse me? Dom is a big boy. I don’t think he needs you fighting his battles.”

He waves me off. “I’m not fighting his battles. I’m just saying, he’s not the same guy he was back then.”

I couldn't hold back the laugh if I tried. It’s a maniacal sound that draws the attention of thepeople sitting at the table next to us. “Really, that’s funny because I think he looks exactly like the man that ripped my heart out of my chest and trampled on it.”

Gabe is not smiling. There’s a story in his eyes, and I already know he’s not going to tell me what it is. Gabe’s always been a man of few words, and I doubt he’s changed much since I knew him. But he dips his head toward me. “It may have been a long time ago, but I remember the two of you together.”

I shake my head and hold my hand up. “Stop. Let’s not go there.”

But Gabe is insistent. “He didn’t want to end things with you.”

“Whatever, Gabe, it’s ancient history, and I’m over it.”

I go to stand up, and he does the same. He raises his hand to sit on my shoulder but changes his mind and pulls away. “Look, all I’m saying is he knows he fucked up, and he’s regretted it ever since. Yeah, prison changed him, but losing you almost destroyed him. I never thought he’d pull himself out of the black hole he was in.”