I slap Malcolm on the back, effectively taking his attention off Lucy. “Hey, Malcolm. How’s it going? Business is picking up, huh?”
Malcolm looks at the bar. “Damn, yeah, we’re short a bartender tonight.” He turns to Lucy and hugs her again. “Lucy, it’s so good to see you again. Stop by tomorrow, and we can finish catching up.”
She nods her head, and she’s still smiling, but it’s lost some of its luster. Hell, did I do that? Does just being around me make her unhappy?
“I’ll do that. Thanks, Malcolm.”
As soon as he walks away, Lucy looks past me at Gabe. “Gabriel Gray, get over here and give me a hug. I haven’t seen you in forever.”
My brother, the traitor, moves past me and pulls Lucy into his arms. I barely contain a growl. What is it with all these men that think they have the right to touch and hold Lucy? Fuck, I won’t survive both of us being in the same town because I won’t be able to deal with this every day.
“Hey, Violet.” I nod with a wave.
The look of pity she gives me tells me she knows exactly what I’m feeling. “Hey, Dominic, how you doing?”
I look at Lucy, who is still talking to my brother and then back to Violet with a shrug. “I’m good.”
She nods in understanding as Lucy completely ignores me. My brother and I are standing next to the table, but I feel like an outsider as the three ofthem talk all around me. The only thing I get from Lucy is a dirty look every now and then. But even that doesn’t sway me. I can’t take my eyes off her. It’s like I want to commit everything about her to memory. Who knows how long she’ll be in town?
I’m lost in thought until I see Luciana blush and then cover the bruise on her face with her hand. It’s obvious she’s tried to cover it up with makeup again, but it’s still noticeable.
She shakes her head. “God, this is so embarrassing. My ex-fiancé got a little mad—”
I cut her off. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed. You don’t have a fuckin’ thing to be embarrassed about. He’s the one that should be ashamed. Give me a name and I’ll make sure he learns his lesson.”
I blurt it all out, probably a little louder than I should have. Gabe is a big man, but he stands up taller, chest puffed out. That’s one thing we definitely don’t approve of. You never lay a hand on a woman. Gabe cracks his knuckles. “Yeah, a name. I’ll help teach this lesson.”
Lucy holds her hands up, palms out. “I just want to forget it. It’s done, and it’s over.”
“But—” I start, and Lucy interrupts me.
“Dominic, I’m serious. I want to forget it.”
Reluctantly, I nod my head. “Fine. You need a ride home?”
She shakes her head. “No, Violet’s got me.”
Violet looks between Lucy and me. “But you said you were ready to go home. Josh texted and said he’s running late.”
I jump on that in an instant. “I can take you home.”
But Lucy is not having it. “No… I would walk before I’d let you take me home.”
Violet gasps, and Gabe and I sort of just look at Lucy with a little bit of shock. Lucy has always been known as the town sweetheart. She’s the girl next door that’s friends with everyone, and it’s not like her to be rude. But I know it’s only because it’s me and I deserve it.
She already feels guilty. “I already owe you for the car… I don’t want to be in debt to you more than I already am.”
I shake my head in forfeit. “You don’t owe me a damn thing, Lucy. I don’t want anything for the car.”
She just glares at me. “No, I don’t want you to give me a ride. How’s that? Plain enough for you?”
I nod, smirking even though it’s like a knife has been imbedded in my heart. “Yeah, I get it.”
The silence is deafening, and I know it’s because she was having a good time, and I had to come over here and ruin it. I take a step back from the table. “I’m going to take off. See you, Violet. Bye, Lucy.” I turn to my brother. “You need a ride?”
He shakes his head. “No, I’m going to hang out a bit.”
I nod, and without another glance at Lucy, I walk out of the bar. I would give anything to have Lucy as mine, but that ship has sailed. She has no interest in me, and I know I’m the one to blame for that. Now I just have to live with the consequences of my actions from seventeen years ago.