I shake my head and then cup her cheek. “I need you to marry me.”
A soft gasp leaves her round lips, drawing attention to them and stirring my dick to life. “Need me to marry you?” she questions, tilting her head in my hand.
“Yes. My father left it in his will that I marry by next week or I don’t inherit his property, and I’ll lose it all if I don’t produce an heir as well.”
“Um, I don’t think I can prove a pregnancy that fast. How much time do you have for this? Am I a last-ditch effort?”
I cup her face with both hands now. “You’re my only effort. I never thought about having kids before, and I sure as fuck never planned on getting married. At thirty-five, that isn’t something I ever wanted.”
“Oh.” She bites down on her bottom lip, dipping her eyes toward the floor.
“I don’t need a baby right away. We just can’t divorce without a baby,” I inform her.
She clings to that bottom lip and nods her head. “Oh. I see. So, I give you a baby, and we can divorce. Am I getting this right?”
“What’s in it for me? I’m doing this event because I’m in college, trying to pay for school and rent. Shit’s real for us poorpeople. The only thing I have to my name is my virginity, and the offer came up.” A realist. Something I didn’t see in her and frankly, I still don’t see. This sweet girl in front of me couldn’t fool me for a moment. Her tough act is just that. She looked nervous as fuck in that room before I cornered her. It’s good because I would have killed anyone else who came near her. Her innocence belongs to me.
“You get your cut of the auction, which should be transferred into your account now.”
“My bag? Where is it?” She looks around, panicking reasonably.
“Over there. Your things have been brought up.” She grabs her bag and then digs inside to find her phone. Pulling it out, she sits on the sofa and types into it.
I know the moment she sees her bank account. “Oh my God.”
She raises her head and looks up at me with her mouth parted. The expression gets me hard, just picturing my dick slipping between her lips. “I told you I get what I want.” Unable to stop myself, I run my fingers down her bottom lip.
Her eyes turn to slits, and she asks, “How many times have you come to these things? Do you usually skip the whole bidding process and run over everyone to get what you want?”
“I don’t have to pay for pussy, and you’d know that if we met somewhere else, but as it is, I’m in a bit of crunch and I came for a wife. The pussy’s a bonus.”
“Well, if that’s the case and we do this whole marriage thing, no cheating because I’m not getting any STIs or anything. I haven’t stayed innocent only to get some disease now.”
I chuckle because she’s fucking cute when she’s fiery, but I have no intention of stepping out on her. I’m not my father,and for some reason I don’t want to hurt this cute little thing. “There’s no ‘if.’ We are getting married, even if I have to force you down the motherfucking aisle. Second, I will slit the throat of anyone that puts their fucking hands on you. You’re mine. You will not make me a cuck, and I sure as fuck will not touch another woman again.”
“Good. Is there something I need to read and sign?”
“My lawyer has drawn up a prenup. Please take a seat and relax.” I pull out the prenup, and she spends the next twenty-five minutes or so reading it. Everything we discussed is in there, including the fidelity clause. Of course, it’s there for the purpose of assuring the baby is mine, but it doesn’t matter because it’s not like she’ll be out of my security detail’s sight. It’s just in case one of those fuckers dares to get bold. A divorce will leave her with a hefty sum.
I can see the wheels in her head spinning as if she’s debating on rejecting the offer—like I’d even give her the option. There is no out, even if she tries to not sign the damn prenup.
With no time to waste, I sent a text message to my lawyer with her name. He emailed the prenup and I had it printed at the concierge desk before I even confronted her in her dressing room. Magnolia has no idea who she has accidentally gotten involved with.
She reads it, biting her lip as if this so damn life altering.
It’s all temporary…except the baby.
“The pen?” she asks. I pull one out from my briefcase and hand it over. She signs it quickly, as if she’ll lose all nerve if she doesn’t. “There you go. So where do we go from here?”
“Would you like to change out of that dress?”
She pales and then says, “You don’t like it?”
“I like it all right, but a little too much. I feel like a kid at Christmas who can’t wait to tear open his perfectly wrapped presents that are only for him.” She blushes and crosses her legs, trying to hide the fact that her pussy agrees with my dick. We’re both on the same dirty page. I tug at my tie and slide it off. “Come here.”
She stands up in front of me, and I pat my knee. She sits, and I’m about to come in my boxer briefs. Her submissive responses are so damn hot. “You keep obeying like that, and I’m going to forget all my damn self-control and fuck you so damn good.” She shivers ever so slightly. “Are you cold?”